
Reminder: TOMORROW Webinar on What We Can Do re: COVID-19

May 23, 2020


Mike Hersh and Dr. Bill Honigman for Alan, Mike F., Dan, Donna, Janis, Deb, Bryan, and Kimberly—Your PDA National Team


Join PDA’s Healthcare Emergency Online Town Hall
TOMORROW, 5/24–Email Mike Fox to RSVP For Info.

Make Easy, Effective Calls From Your Home

Support PDA’s COVID-19/Healthcare Organizing


Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) invites you to join us for a Healthcare Emergency online town hall / webinar TOMORROW Sunday, May 24th, 4-5pm ET, 1-2pm PT.

Dr. Bill Honigman and guest speakers will address your concerns and answer your questions about effective action to cope with COVID-19. 

RSVP to Mike Fox to join our Healthcare Emergency Virtual Town Hall / Webinar. Watch previous town halls.

Email your Senators and Representative to demand that Congress pass the Health Care Emergency Guarantee Act.

Authored by Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Pramila Jayapal, this legislation would authorize the Medicare system to pay all costs of medical treatment for the uninsured, as well as all out-of-pocket costs for those with insurance, for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Join Our Emergency Healthcare Online Meeting
May 24th, 4-5pm ET, 1-2pm PT—RSVP to Mike Fox

Email Your Senators and Representative, Ask Them to
Cosponsor the Health Care Emergency Guarantee Act

Click Here to Email the Congress


Protect Nurses, Patients, and the Public Health

Protect Healthcare Professionals! Make Calls For
The COVID-19 Health Care Worker Protection Act

Sign The Petition: Put Medicare For All
In The 2020 Democratic Party Platform


If enacted, the Health Care Emergency Guarantee Act would take effect immediately and guarantee that no American would pay any out-of-pocket expenses for health care—including prescription drug coverage.

It would also ban surprise billing, empower Medicare to purchase medications at the same prices as the Veterans’ Administration, and prevent insurance companies from increasing charges and/or decreasing coverage during the healthcare crisis.

Sen. Sanders explained, “During this unprecedented crisis, no one in America should delay seeking medical care because of the cost. If this pandemic has taught us anything, it is that we are only as safe as the least-insured among us.”

He added. “We have got to work together to make sure that anyone in America who is sick—regardless of their income or immigration status—can seek the medical treatment they need during this national emergency. With an estimated 35 million Americans in danger of losing their employer-provided health insurance over the coming weeks and months, this legislation is needed now more than ever.”

Rep. Jayapal said, “Our broken health care system is failing to protect millions of Americans from the coronavirus pandemic. Now more than ever, we need to take bold action to prevent more Americans from getting sick or dying.” She added. “Everyone in America should have guaranteed access to health care, especially during [this] national emergency.”

PDA has been mobilizing for Medicare For All (MFA) since our founding in 2004. MFA is overwhelmingly popular. Recent polling shows 88% of Democrats support it.

We’re concerned that unless the Democratic platform includes MFA, many voters may not be motivated enough to work for victory up and down the ballot. Sign the petition to put Medicare For All in the platform.

Greedy insurance companies exploit all of us for decades by perpetuating the profit-driven health insurance and pharmaceutical model with its inherent waste, fraud, and abuse. Votes are expected this week. Help us end healthcare injustice now!

The current profits over patients system was an outrageous injustice even before the pandemic. Now, this situation is unconscionable. If you agree, please pitch in your time and money now to empower our movement.

We must step up our pressure and do all we can to compel Congress and the Administration to adopt fair and appropriate policies that reflect science, common sense, and human decency.

Act now to protect healthcare professionals. Nurses, doctors, and other care-givers are getting sick and dying. This is because of the continued refusal of our elected officials to respond courageously or effectively. Click Here to get info. and instructions from Mike Fox.

Please contact Mike Fox to RSVP to join Sunday’s Emergency Healthcare Webinar. You must RSVP. The access codes, phone numbers, etc. have changed.

Can’t make the call but still want to help our healthcare campaigns? Contact us and we’ll keep you as busy as you’d like to be.

Can’t volunteer? Then pitch in what you can to help finance our ongoing campaign for Medicare For All and other health policies we need to effectively respond to the pandemic, to promote an equitable economic recovery, and to upgrade our healthcare system.

All studies show Medicare For All (MFA) would save 10,000s of lives every single year. Questions about “How can we pay for it?” make no sense, because MFA will actually save 100s of $billions each year as contrasted with the current system.

We will realize these savings by eliminating jacked up charges that plunder all of us to generate obscene profits for a few corporations.

Medicare For All is a vital component of the comprehensive Green New Deal agenda. To ensure our immediate and long-term survival, tell Congress we need the Green New Deal.

PDA continues working within powerful, expanding coalitions to demand the policies we need to survive through the COVID-19 Pandemic and beyond.

Together, we will make the insiders listen to our voices and deliver what we demand, but only if we all act decisively like never before. So far, Congressional response to the COVID-19 has been woefully inadequate.

Powerful special interests cash in on human misery while people are suffering and dying. We need an empowered, progressive mass movement to demand the policies and government responses needed to save lives and rebuild our shattered economy. We need your active support to get there.


P.S.: Please remember to RSVP to Mike Fox to join our Healthcare Emergency Virtual Town Hall / Webinar TOMORROW, Sunday 5/24 from 4-5pm ET, 1-2pm PT. Mike will provide all the call-in information.

Then, join PDA investing to enact Medicare For All and science-based, effective, emergency COVID-19 response policies.

