Racial Healing Begins with Acknowledgment
Photo Credit: The All-Nite Images • CC BY-SA 2.0
Thanks, and onward,
Dr. Bill Honigman and Debra Schrishuhn for the PDA National Team
Support U.S. Commissions on
Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation
and Reparations Proposals Today
The time is now. Racial justice in these United States is long, long overdue, and we need your help to garner even more support.
Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) has been honored to have a seat at the table in organizing support for two transformational bills in the 117th Congress on the subject of Racial Healing and Reparations, Rep. Barbara Lee’s H.Con.Res.19 (with 129 cosponsors to date), and Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee’s H.R.40 (with 174 cosponsors to date).
Sen. Cory Booker has introduced companion bills in the U.S. Senate: S.Con.Res.6, with 13 original cosponsors to date, and S.40, with 19 cosponsors to date.
These pieces of legislation begin the critically needed process of healing America’s racial divide by providing venues to document and account for past actions and policies that have led us to present-day racial inequities, and seeking ways to redress the harm done by centuries of structural racism.
Please urge your Senators and Representative to support this growing movement by cosponsoring these resolutions to establish national commissions on Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation and on the study of reparations proposals.
The serious rift in race relations in this country demands nothing less. The time for serious discussions and actions for healing this divide is now.
Today, you can help PDA support these groundbreaking resolutions with a call or email to your Senators and Representative, and a donation to PDA’s continuing work toward racial justice and equity. Then let us know how your call was received.
Going forward, you can help encourage members of Congress to cosponsor these resolutions and other progressive legislation by joining our Congressional Office Liaison team.
PS: We’ll be discussing these vital issues and more at our online Progressive Leadership Conference, 2021 April 17th and 18th. Reserve your spot here.