R.E.S.P.E.C.T. For All
By Mike Hersh for Donna, Mike F., Janis, Dan, Deb, Kimberly, Bryan, Judy, Dr. Bill, and Shayna—your PDA National Team
Support Progress With a Generous Gift
Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) joins with you and countless others around the world mourning the loss of the great Aretha Franklin this week. Her anthem R.E.S.P.E.C.T. is one of the most empowering songs of all time. Everyone deserves respect, and demanding respect for everyone is a pretty good definition of progressivism. We demand respect for all—in healthcare, at the workplace, in the street, in our courts of law—everyone everywhere deserves respect.
This past week, PDA has been demanding respect for migrants, for voters in the Democratic primaries, for Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, the climate, freedom on the Internet and Medicare for All—as well as asking for your help to elect strong progressives. We celebrated the big win by Randy “Iron Stache” Bryce in Wisconsin. We’ve been keeping the pressure on elected officials by supporting policies and candidates to demands respect for all. See below for several ways to get active and stay effective!
Support PDA With a Generous Gift
Save the date! Exclusive PDA call with Sen. Liz Warren!
This Thursday August 23rd, Senator Elizabeth Warren will join Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) for an exclusive conference call, time yet to be confirmed. Phone number: (712)-770-4160 Access code: 307379# (time tba)
PDA appreciates Senator Elizabeth Warren’s strong progressive leadership—recently against abuses by ICE and Trump’s general abuse of migrants as well as her defense of moderation on the Supreme Court. On the call Thursday, she will discuss her proposals for another New Deal—policies to respect the economic and social rights of all.
PDA endorsed Liz Warren for election to the United States Senate in 2012, and we endorsed her for reelection this year. Powerful special interests have once again targeted her for defeat. Please click here and donate now to help Elizabeth Warren win re-election and to support PDA’s efforts.
Tell Congress To Stop Dividing Families
Call the US Capitol Switchboard at (202)-224-3121, and they will connect you to your Senators and Representative. Ask to speak to (or leave a voicemail for) the staffer working on Immigration issues. Say you’re their constituent and you expect them to cosponsor and work to pass legislation to replace ICE (the Immigration Control Enforcement) and Trump’s “Zero Tolerance” policy with humane, fair, and effective immigration policies.
Pitch in to Help Dimitri Win In Alaska Next Tuesday!
Dimitri Shein is a solid progressive businessman and Medicare for All champion committed to serving his community, and insuring that we all take care of each other. His physician wife and he not only have 2 children of their own, but also have adopted 4 at risk children to round out their family. Pitch in whatever you can afford now, and contact Mike “Phone Guy” Fox to make get out the vote calls!.
Tell the DNC to Adopt the Reform and Unity Proposals
PDA is working to reform, recreate, and reimagine the Democratic Party as a true People’s Party. We have been in the thick of ongoing efforts to democratize the Democratic Party. As Jeff Cohen wrote in CommonDreams, “an alliance of progressive activists will be setting up informational picket lines when the full Democratic National Committee begins its three-day meeting in Chicago on August 23. The alliance, led by groups such as RootsAction.org (which I co-founded) and Progressive Democrats of America, is supporting vital reforms to democratize the party.” Click here to sign the petition to demand fundamental reforms.
Read more about the DNC Reform efforts: Democrats Should Finally Put Superdelegates Behind Them and Democrats Gather in Chicago: Elite Party or Party of the People?
Here are more ways to make your voice heard:
PDA activists like you keep elected officials’ feet to the fire with face-to-face meetings, phone banking, and other organizing. Please support our activism now. We know not everyone can visit elected officials, although we urge you to do whatever you can. PDA makes it as easy as possible to amplify your voice. Here are several actions you can take right now:
- Support the NNU, FWW, PDA Scorecard
- Tell Congress Healthcare Is A Human Right
- Tell Congress To Abolish and Replace ICE
- Tell Congress: Vote Now To Protect The Net
- Tell Your Representative to Stop Global Warming
- Demand Peace, Divest From War
- Take Away Trump’s Nuclear War Power
- Tell Senators Healthcare Is A Human Right
- Help Make The Democratic Party More Democratic
Click on the links above, and then share them with all your contacts!
In solidarity,
Mike Hersh for Donna, Mike F., Janis, Dan, Deb, Kimberly, Bryan, Judy, Dr. Bill, and Shayna—your PDA National Team
P.S. Help us step up our organizing on the issues you care about. Give $100 or Whatever You Can to Support PDA Now and Help Progressives Win! We’re here to help you make progress in your state and locality! If you need any help organizing a new PDA chapter or energizing your existing chapter, please contact PDA Field Coordinator Dan O’Neal.