
Primary Elections Tuesday: Pile on for our progressive champions!

Mar 19, 2024 | PDA News

Important Primaries Tuesday: Sign up to Phonebank from Home and/or Donate What You Can


We need your solidarity today and Tuesday—regardless of where you live—to help us get progressive congressional candidates through their primaries on Tuesday.

Just like when PDA activists across the country worked to help progressives get elected in CA on March 5, we’re asking all to pile on for our endorsed candidates in IL. Then, when YOUR state’s primary hits, you’ll have PDA brothers and sisters across the country showing solidarity with you and your candidates.

Sign up for 1 hour of calling fellow PDA folks from home and/or donate now. (If we don’t have the volunteers to hit our call goals, then we’ll have to hire the work done.)

Thanks so much for anything you can do.

Then join us as we debrief Tuesday, and lay out plans for our next victories on Thursday’s weekly Campaign Call.

PDA Campaign To Victory Call
Thursday, March 21
9pm ET; 8pm CT; 7pm MT; 6pm PT and AZ; 4pm AK; 3pm HI
Register here and the machine will email you your secure codes.

We hope to see you!

In solidarity,

Mike Fox for the PDA National Team

