PDA’s Mitchell Stollberg Nails Guns In Newsweek. Join Us!
By Mike Fox for Donna, Mike H., Janis, Kim, Bryan, Dan, Judy, and Dr. Bill, your PDA national team.
From AK-47’s to AR-15’s
Enough Is Enough!
As we stand in solidarity with the students at Florida’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School demanding gun safety legislation regarding AR-15’s and other assault style weapons, we’re shocked and proud that our Broward County Florida chapter head Mitchell Stollberg organized a protest outside of a Pompano Beach gun manufacturer that is authorized* to pump out a version of the famous Russian Kalashnikov weapon, the AK-47.
It’s mind boggling that at the same time so many thousands of our own troops have stared down the barrels of AK-47’s, and continue to do so, that an American firm — Kalashnikov USA — is actually looking to manufacture these weapons on US soil and then wholesale to over seas customers.
Covered by Newsweek, television, and elsewhere, the protest brought the community together to decry the manufacture of these tools of death just miles from the site of where a gunman use a “civilian” version of this type of weapon to take the lives of so many innocent students.
We stand with Mitchell and his community as they take a stand against the proliforation of these dangerous weapons.
Here are 4 things you can do to help:
1) Write your congressperson, and share the link to this tool with all of your contacts;
2) Call the US Capitol Switchboard at (202)-224-3121, ask to be connected to your Senators’ and Representative’s offices. Ask to speak to (or leave a voicemail for) the staffer working on crime or public safety issues. Say you’re their constituent and you expect them to work for and vote for common sense gun safety laws;
3) Get in the street with us March 14th, March 24th, and/or April 20th. Local PDA chapters across the country will be joining in solidarity. Please reply to this email if you’re planning on attending one or all in your area;
4) Contribute as much as you can to our organizing efforts. Rally signs, handouts, and other materials cost money, and we’re trying to raise $5,000 today to make sure our volunteers have the materials they need to grow the movement.
Thank you so much for anything you can do right now.
In solidarity for gun safety and sanity,
Mike Fox for Donna, Mike H., Janis, Kim, Bryan, Dan, Judy, and Dr. Bill, your PDA national team.
*Conflicting reports on whether any AK-47’s have been physically produced at the facility, yet, and the company has been tight lipped. However, they are authorized to do so.