
PDA Weekly Review and Preview for 3-19-22

Mar 19, 2022 | PDA News

In solidarity,
Mike Fox for the PDA National Team


Much Done, And Much More To Do: Here’s How You Can Help Today


This week has been much like last week. The same struggles continue, and still we won’t stand down.

While all eyes have been on horrific events in Ukraine, we have stood strong with the Ukrainian people, demanding a ceasefire, the immediate withdrawal of Russian troops, and serious talks that can bring lasting peace to the region.

We’ve been standing with workers and unions, generating support for our 21st-Century Economic Rights campaign, as well as for women’s rights, and the rights of the LGBTQ community that are under serious attack.

We’ve been working for green energy solutions NOW to bring down gas prices and end dependence on authoritarians like Putin, along with supporting a windfall tax on major carbon-based fuel companies.

And we take very seriously Sen. Joe Manchin’s admonition to elect more progressives if we want more progressive policies enacted. As the shape of the 2022 election continues to unfold, we are rolling out endorsements weekly of vibrant, determined, young progressive candidates to take on the establishment from Maine to Florida to California.

Join us for one or more of the actions below. Together, step by step, day by day, we’ll make a real difference!


Thanks so much for anything you can do to ramp up our victories in 2022. Hope to see you soon!


  1. Cynthia Kinavey

    Question: Is there a list of all the progressive candidates that you are endorsing? I tried to find one but was unsuccessful. And if you don’t, I think it would be a good idea and it should come with their donation address ( both snail mail as well as email ( PayPal etc.)
    Thank you, Cynthia Kinavey

    • Janis Kay

      At the top any page on PDA’s website there is a link called “Endorsements” that will take you here:

      Check back often due to PDA is still adding endorsed candidates.

      If you click on the candidate’s image it’ll take you to a donation page.

      Hope that answers your questions!
