
PDA Weekly Review and Preview for 3-09-24. Join us!

Mar 9, 2024 | PDA News


Much Done, and Much More to Do:
Here’s How We Can All Help Bring Home Wins


We were working hard leading up to the Super Tuesday state primaries, and are thrilled to see that all of the Congressional Progressive Caucus made it through unscathed, with a few Berniecrat challengers making it into the general. And we of course are overjoyed that Kyrsten Sinema has chosen not to run for re-election, with special kudos to our PDA-AZ crew who played a substantial role pointing out her failings as a supposed Democrat.

Next on our plates: March 19th primaries with voting going on right now.

We’ve also been working hard for peace, social, economic, environmental, and racial justice, and will continue to observe Women’s History Month by supporting candidates and legislation that will bring back Roe v. Wade-style protections for women’s reproductive rights, equal wages for equal work, and more.

We have a packed week before us, and we hope you’ll join us in our actions!

Just an hour here or there can make a real difference when it’s focused on a productive goal.

Please pick one or more of these actions/projects, and let’s make some noise together!

1) Progressive Virtual Town Hall Sunday: Defeating Trumpists with Progressive Candidates and Policy Positions. Join our special guest, PDA-endorsed congressional candidate Qasim Rashid as we discuss his campaign, along with a more in-depth debrief of Super Tuesday and tactics moving forward to generate progressive victories, PT. 2. You’ll leave energized, organized, and definitely more hopeful. We hope you’ll join us.

2) Join the National Phone Team. Sign up with this juggernaut and make a real difference an hour here, an hour there, on your schedule. Sign up here, let us know what day you can set an hour aside, and we’ll get you cookin’ calling fellow PDA folks. We’ll make sure you’re doing something easy but productive!
3) Become a local Congressional Office Liaison. Work with others in your area to promote progressive legislation. Sign up here and we’ll get you all the training you need to be successful!
4) For “Clicktivists”—Sign/Share:
  • Join our Click Brigade if you’re up for quick and easy rapid-response “likes” and shares across a multitude of platforms.

Thanks so much for anything you can do today for all our tomorrows. Let’s get to work!

In solidarity,

Mike Fox for the PDA National Team

