
PDA Weekly Review and Preview for 12-07-24. Join us!

Dec 7, 2024 | PDA News

Much Done, and Much More to Do:
Here’s How We Can Move Forward to Build the Resistance


First, we hope that you and yours are having a peaceful, joyous, healing Holiday Season, and we thank you so much if you were active with us over the past week.

This week brought great news of two wins in very tight congressional races in California. Many thanks to those who helped cure ballots! More good news to come.

We’ll continue working during the upcoming week to build the movement, and if you’re up to it, please pick one or more of these actions/projects, and let’s make some good trouble, together!

1) Progressive Virtual Town Hall Sunday: Building Progressive Community for the Holidays, and Organizing Locally to Combat MAGA. We’ll share some holiday cheer and discuss ways we can protect endangered communities and build progressive solidarity and power. You’ll leave with a renewed sense of purpose and solidarity.  We hope you see you Sunday!

2) Join the National Phone Team. Sign up with this juggernaut and make a real difference an hour here, an hour there, on your schedule. Sign up here, let us know what day you can set an hour aside, and we’ll get you cookin’ calling fellow PDA folks. We’ll make sure you’re doing something easy but productive!

3) Join the Congressional Liaisons Team. Join us to get all you need to do effective outreach to your Congressperson.

4) For “Clicktivists”—Sign/Share:


Thanks so much for anything you can do today for all our tomorrows. Let’s get to work!

In solidarity,

Mike Fox for the PDA National Team

1 Comment

  1. Thomas G Sherer

    Brand new Indy chapter is not listed, so no contact info. Had I known about formation meeting, I would have been there.
