
PDA Weekly Review and Preview for 10/09/2021

Oct 9, 2021 | PDA News

In solidarity,
Mike Fox for the PDA National Team

Critically Important Work Continues: Here’s How You Can Help this Week


This week saw Facebook and other associated social media outlets crash, and Sen. McConnell and the Republicans attempting to do the same with the U.S. government via their debt ceiling stunt designed to draw attention away from passing the Build Back Better reconciliation bill and sweeping voting legislation.

The good news: the Biden White House is releasing the first traunch of what will hopefully be an avalanche of official presidential documents from the period surrounding the Jan. 6th insurrection. The closer we get to the truth, the closer we get to justice.

Join us as we keep putting one foot in front of the other, getting closer to our goal of a more progressive world for all.

  • Help make the country healthier.
    PDA Healthcare Emergency Town Hall
    Sunday, Oct. 10, 4pm Eastern
    Special Guest Speaker:  Health Systems Analyst Dr. Henry Broeska, Ph.D., Canadian expatriate now living in Orange County, CA, who will share his reflections on the Canadian healthcare system and some personal observations on a recent return visit home to Manitoba, where the Delta variant was similarly threatening there but markedly less devastating than here at the time.
    If you haven’t already done so, RSVP here.
  • Become a local Congressional Office Liaison. Work with others in your area to promote progressive legislation and end the filibuster in the Senate. Sign up here
  • Join the National Phone Team. Make easy calls from home to fellow PDA folks to ensure they’re in the know about important actions and candidates. We work 7 days a week, so whenever is good for you is good for us. Click here to join.
  • For “Clicktivists”: Sign to end the filibuster. Contact your Senators and tell them to expand Medicare coverage and negotiate drug prices, put an end to fossil fuel subsidies, and follow Bernie’s lead in general in the upcoming massive reconciliation bill. Also, tell them to pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, and to find a way around the filibuster if need be.

“Like” our Facebook page, and/or follow us on Twitter, if you’re a social media maven. 

Then please let us know if you act.


Thanks so much for anything you can do today, tomorrow, and every day this week. 

