
PDA Weekly Review and Preview for 1-15-22

Jan 15, 2022 | PDA News

In solidarity,

Mike Fox for the PDA National Team


Another Busy Week Behind Us, and Before Us. You in?


Between our work on voting rights, endorsed candidates, healthcare, and peace and social justice, we had a sometimes infuriating (see Sinema and Manchin) but productive week in general.

We look forward to turning up the heat this week, and we hope you’ll join us in any/all of the below ways to make a real difference.

  1. Progressive Virtual Town Hall Sunday: Turning Congressional Seats Progressive Blue and the 2nd Bill Of Rights. Join us as we highlight tremendous progressive in TX-28, Jessica Cisneros, and historian Harvey J Kaye will discuss how FDR’s 2nd Bill of Rights speech is perfect for our circumstances. Dr. Bill will also update us on how we stay healthy against Omicron. RSVP here.
  2. Join A MLK-Day Voting Rights Event Near You. Dr. King’s grandchildren ask that we bring his vision to life! Help us demand voting rights protections now
  3. Join the National Phone Team. Make easy calls from home to fellow PDA folks to ensure they’re in the know about important actions and candidates. We work 7 days a week, so whenever is good for you is good for us. Click here to join.
  4. Become a local Congressional Office Liaison. Work with others in your area to promote progressive legislation and end the filibuster in the Senate. Sign up here.
  5. For “Clicktivists”: Sign the petition to make sure the Senate does all it can for voting rights. End the global Pandemic by supporting H.Con.Res 60Sign the petition to limit the most polluting gas: Methane. Support the expansion of Social Security by becoming a grassroots cosponsor of the Social Security Act of 2021. Then contact your Senators and ask them to pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, and to find a way around the filibuster if need be.
  6. “Like” our Facebook page and/or follow us on Twitter, if you’re a social media maven.
  7. Then please let us know if you act.
  8. Can’t volunteer? Please contribute what you are able to afford and make it monthly if you can. There’s much to do, and we need the resources to make it all happen.

Thanks so much for anything you can do to ramp up our victories in early 2022.

