Progressive Democrats of America’s Statement on Tonight’s Presidential Debate
Kamala Harris Triumphed Tonight!
The Vice President delivered tonight. Now we must join with her and do the same! Together we will preserve and strengthen our democracy and build an America that fulfills our dreams.
President Abraham Lincoln ended the most famous speech ever delivered by an American President imploring his fellow citizens alive at the time to “be dedicated to the great task before us… that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.”
Listening to tonight’s Presidential debate, we, at PDA, heard echoes of these words – perhaps the greatest invocation ever made to build a democratic society – across the entire evening. For this was a debate between a champion of democracy, and all of its promise, and a man who’s commitment to his own power is antithetical to the very essence of our Constitutional Republic.
On issue after issue, Vice President Harris proposed sound domestic policies that address the issues that most concern the American people – clearly establishing how a Harris Administration will be in service to the people. No one watching the debate could fail to recognize her consistency on all matters.
In contrast, former President Trump’s only point of consistency is whether his words serve the momentary needs of his fragile ego. Also, as the entire world saw on January 6th, and also exhibited many times this evening, if our Constitution impedes his own personal power, he has no use for it.
Donald Trump is a danger to our Constitutional Democratic Republic.
Tonight, Kamala Harris established her place among the pantheon of Americans who have stood on the center stage of history and defended our greatest traditions of democracy, liberty and justice for all.
It’s time for all people of conscience, who want to live in a society where we are all equal before the law, and help build, in the words of Barbara Jordan, an America as great as its promise, to join PDA in helping to elect Kamala Harris President of the United States.
In addition to the above statement, an embargo on United States’ funding of any genocide anywhere, not a dime to fund genocide anywhere. Unfortunately, Lincoln’s fine words were soon followed by a cruel genocide of Native Americans. We must not close our eyes to our funding of genocide abroad. We must not fund genocide in the Middle East or anywhere!
Unfortunately, Presidents like Polk, McKinley, and Wilson set the United States on the path to outrageous behavior. Jackson ignored the John Jay Supreme Court with the trail of tears. We must change. We can do better.
I agree with you Judy!
Can we afford to let this deranged leaders to continue to destroy the environment for all of us!!
“She Whipped His Ass!”
That’s what Michael Steele, former chair of the Republican National Committee, said, summing up the debate.
And to quote another sage, Casey Stengel, “It ain’t braggin’ if it’s true.”
Kamala Harris commanded that stage, delivered her message to the (incomprehensibly) still-undecided and to wavering former Republicans, and in body language, facial expression and eloquent words — DEMOLISHED CAPTAIN CHAOS.
He came across angry, more than a little unfocused, and unsteady. All he had — as Kamala said at the very start — was insult and distraction. He had nothing to offer. And he was the perfect foil for her frequent reminder of the need to “turn the page,” leaving all this crazy behind.
I suspect we shall.
Roger Ailes (may his memory be forever cursed), that media devil who delivered us Nixon in ’68 and Fox News in all its glory, used to counsel his proteges, “Turn off the sound.” Whatever you think people are doing when they (note well) Watch TV, aren’t so much listening as looking. It was slaughter, this debate, from that point of view.
Great summary and call to action
I want to be the Frank Luntz of the left, offering phraseology, memes, and hashtags that skewer the Republican brand and harpoon the hypocrisy that their side is based on. It’s a chair with toothpicks as legs.
They are #CORPservative, not conservative, and only operate in service to their corporate and billionaire donors. I have memes on that an many more that can be found on the Facebook page entitled Optimizing Democracy in America.
Let’s vote blue to optimize it for the middle class, because right now it’s only optimized for the use by billionaires to cut taxes and oversight.
That was the essence. Appreciate your summation, all your work, perseverance and dedication. Thank you for having a place for me to join in solidarity, heart and mind.
Totally agree on every point!