
PDA Statement on the Biden/Harris ticket

Aug 12, 2020

By Alan Minsky, Executive Director – Progressive Democrats of America


Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) is ready to work non-stop to help Joe Biden and Kamala Harris defeat Donald Trump and Mike Pence.

As we move out of the primary season, PDA will be supporting Democrats across the country, up and down the ballot.

We will do this without budging one iota from our commitment to the progressive agenda.

That is the PDA way.

We understand that engagement with the Democratic Party is necessary to achieve a progressive transformation of American politics. The goal is to make government serve the interests of the people and the planet, not the priorities of the powerful.  We stand for that before and after every election.

Yesterday, Joe Biden selected Kamala Harris to be his running mate. We celebrate the selection of the first woman of color on a major party ticket, it is long overdue.  

The public record shows that Senator Harris has often advocated for progressive positions on healthcare, the environment, economics, criminal justice, and a broad range of other issues. We strongly believe those are the right policies for America – and look forward to advocating on their behalf during a Biden/Harris Administration.

The first order of business is defeating the most dangerous administration in modern American history.

Onward to victory in November!


