
PDA poll: Should President Biden step aside?

Jul 7, 2024 | PDA News

Please answer the following question below by Monday at midnight ET: Should Joe Biden step aside, by not running for re-election? 

Click here to vote.

This is a non-binding poll, but it will provide guidance per PDA’s position on this matter, which is currently dominating national politics.

Thanks for your input,

Alan Minsky



  1. Debbie

    I still have a lot of faith in Joe. He has strength we haven’t even seen yet. Don’t sell him short!

    • Linda L Schmitzberger

      I agree. I have given this a lot of thought. While I do think his age could be an issue in the future I firmly believe that he is the best person for the job. He also has the best people with him who will be able to carry on with his vision for our country.

  2. Beverly A Nelmes

    Yes, I believe that President Joe Biden has reached the point in his
    physical and psychological condition when he must gracefully step
    aside in favor of his Vice President Kamala Harris. Given what we are
    up against with Donald Trump, it is best that we unite behind one
    person early on, and do everything we can to persuade Kamala Harris
    to pursue a more Progressive vision. I do not want to see a contentiious
    convention in Chicago reminiscent of 1968.

  3. Mike Owen

    Old Joe should not step aside and those that support him should be out in all the country prosecuting the case against Trump by telling the rest of the country of his convictions as a felon of 34 counts which means you can’t vote, you can’t get a licence in most states to be a contractor, or sell real estate. Also he is not done he is also indicted in 3 other US states for fraud for in his efforts to overturn the election of 2020 which was the safest and most honest election run in US history. Also Trump has a lot of ideas of what he would do in a second term and my question is if he was going to do these great things why didn’t he do that in his first term? Enough said I think most people should wake up and realize he is a con man just like those on TV with the get rich schemes.
