
PDA Needs Your Help Today

Feb 1, 2021

For a more progressive and productive 2021,

Debra Schrishuhn for the PDA National Team


We Need Your Help Today:
Support PDA with a Monthly Gift


Bear with me for a moment, please. PDA has no deep-pocketed billionaires to fund our activities. Our shoestring budget is stretched tight and often maxed out. Staff members spend valuable time daily calling, emailing, and texting activists to get enough donations for our campaigns. Most donations to PDA fall well below Bernie Sanders’ iconic average of $27.

And here’s the rub—now more than ever, we need to spend more time on issues, voter and legislator education, recruitment and promotion of progressive candidates, and holding elected officials accountable. A monthly gift, of any amount, helps us plan our budget and frees valuable staff time for issues, education, recruitment, and accountability. We rely on and greatly appreciate each of our loyal and generous sustaining friends.

Here’s how PDA staffers spend our time, in addition to fundraising:

Phonebanking to help endorsed candidates, get people to our weekly and occasional webinars and zoom meetings, recruit volunteers in congressional districts

Virtual Town Halls on healthcare (weekly), town halls with elected officials and candidates, organizing meetings with allies and activists on climate, healthcare, racial and economic justice, election integrity, student debt, pending legislation, and active candidate campaigns

Congressional Office Liaison Program to establish working relationships with hundreds of members of Congress on the Hill and in their home districts

Emails to inform our activists of volunteer opportunities and action imperatives, provide context and history to current events and issues, profile candidates and elected officials

Rapid response to breaking developments in legislation, elected officials’ accountability, congressional races

If we could raise another $1,000 per month through sustaining gifts, we could spend correspondingly more time on these activities, getting concrete results, and less time trying to fund our efforts.

To get another $1,000 per month, we need 46 new sustainers: 3 sustainers at $100, 3 at $50, 10 at $25, 10 at $15, 10 at $10 and 10 at $5. Become one of 46 very special PDA supporters whose gift helps free us to work for a more progressive future more of the time. In appreciation, the next 46 sustainers will receive a gift from our PDA Store.

Keep PDA strong with your generous monthly gift.


