PDA Healthcare Emergency Town Hall Sun. Big News. RSVP Now!
Dr. Bill Honigman for the PDA National Team
Click Here To Join Our Healthcare Emergency Town Hall
Sunday, 4pm EDST/1pm PDST
Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) remains concerned as we see a resurgence of the #COVID19 virus now possibly creating a “fourth wave” nationwide. Not enough of our essential workers and their families have yet received the added layer of protection afforded by vaccinations, not just here but also in the larger global community that impacts us all.
Vaccine equity, as part of Healthcare equity as a whole, remains among the highest priorities for PDA at this time of critical importance, and is driving now more than ever the entire movement for #MedicareForAll. And furthermore, this focus aligns with our interest in recognizing climate, racism, poverty, war, and political disenfranchisement as equal threats to our mutual existence, both as individuals and as responsible world inhabitants.
This confluence of threats is exactly what we’ve been discussing in our weekly Sunday PDA Healthcare Emergency Town Hall online meetings throughout the COVID-19 crisis, and we invite you to join us every Sunday at 4p ET / 1p PT. RSVP here.
And whether you can or can’t join us on Sunday, please join us in volunteering or donating to keep the discussions and actions surrounding this and all of PDA’s priority issues moving forward.
Onward to #HealthcareJustice, and we hope to see you Sunday!
PS: See previous Town Halls archived on YouTube