
Our Impoverished Debate

Dec 20, 2019

Photo: Homeless Man, photo by Enver Rahmanov • CC BY-SA 3.0 (cropped)

In solidarity,  Alan Minsky, Mike F., Dan, Janis, Deb, Dr. Bill, Mike H., Donna, Kimberly, and Bryan—your PDA national team.

Tell The DNC And The News Networks:
We Need Debate Questions About Poverty


Today the Nation Magazine published my article about the need for the moderators to ask questions about poverty in today’s debate. There have been five rounds of debates so far and not a single question about poverty. This is unacceptable.

Please sign and then share PDA’s petition calling for questions about poverty in the Presidential debates.


We Demand Debate Questions Addressing Poverty


America has had endemic poverty for generations; but in our new era of low wages and mass homelessness, the crisis is only growing worse. Over 40% of the population live at or near the poverty level (per the latest US Census statistics)—and the poverty line is set ridiculously low: at just over $1,000 a month for an individual, and just over $2,000 a month for a family of four. It’s basically impossible to survive on that amount of money in any of the major population centers in the country.

We know the GOP doesn’t care; and neither does the “market.” The epidemic of poverty in America can only be addressed by government—and that means by the Democratic Party. This makes the refusal of debate moderators to ask questions about poverty inexcusable.

I will deliver your petition signatures to the producers of tonight’s debate in Southern California. Hopefully, in the homeless capital of the country, they will ask how the candidates will address the harsh realities of poverty in America.

Please support PDA in our efforts to bring serious efforts to alleviate, and eliminate, poverty into the mainstream of the Democratic Party. Click Here to pitch in $250, $50, or whatever you can afford to support PDA’s issue organizing.


P.S., I will be on Democracy Now tomorrow morning commenting on this evening’s Democratic Presidential Debate. The 2020 election cycle is already underway. PDA is supporting exciting progressive candidates. Join us investing to recruit and elect the best progressives in 2020.


