
Our Chance To Flip A Cong. District Tuesday. Join Us!

Apr 20, 2018

By   Mike Fox, for Donna, Mike H., Janis, Deb, Kimberly, Bryan, Dan, Judy, and Dr. Bill, your PDA National Team.

This Could Be A Revolutionary Win.
Make Calls From Home Or Donate Now!

The special election on Tues., April 24th for Arizona Congressional seat 8 is a squeaker.  A recent Emerson College poll showed the Democrat Dr. Hiral Tipirneni ahead!

Nobody thought this was a pick up opportunity months ago.  But Hiral’s message — and her opponent’s hard right wing positions — have turned this into a competitive race that we can bring home if there’s a substantial Get Out The Vote push down the stretch from all of our PDA members.

We need your help so we can help Hiral right now.

If you’re willing to volunteer — especially on the virtual phone bank where you can make calls right form your home — reply to this email.

If you can make a contribution, do so right now.

Trump is so worried about a loss here that he’s recording a robocall for the district.

Let’s show him there’s a very good reason for him to be concerned.

Let’s win this!

In solidarity.

Mike Fox, for Donna, Mike H., Janis, Deb, Kimberly, Bryan, Dan, Judy, and Dr. Bill, your PDA National Team.



