
Onward! To Protect the Result. Onward! To Victory and a Progressive Future

Nov 4, 2020

In solidarity,  Alan Minsky

Now More Than Ever, We Stand Up and Are Counted!

The results on Tuesday were not what we were hoping for: a landslide sweep by the Democrats.  But our primary goal of defeating Donald Trump hangs in the balance.

Join us tonight for an emergency strategy call tonight at 9pm Eastern, 8pm Central, 7pm Mountain and 6pm Pacific.

PDA will fight with all of our allies to make sure every vote is counted. PDA is at the center of the country’s most extensive voter protection coalitions.  We will hear from these experts on the call.

We will also discuss next steps both for defeating Donald Trump and for building the progressive movement.

Support our efforts to protect the integrity of the vote.  

RSVP for tonight’s meeting.

