
Nina Turner for Congress!

Dec 15, 2020

For more progressive days ahead,

Alan Minsky, Executive Director, for the PDA National Team


Help Elect Nina Turner to Congress:
A Progressive Champion for Our Time

This past week President-elect Joe Biden chose Congresswoman Marcia Fudge (OH-11) to be the next secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). This means there will be a special election to fill her congressional seat (Ohio’s 11th District) in early 2021.

The great Nina Turner, former Ohio State Senator and national co-chair of Bernie Sanders 2020 campaign for President, has announced that she will be running for the seat.

PDA wholeheartedly endorses Nina Turner for Congress!

Nina Turner is an unwavering progressive champion. Not only does she support every major policy position that PDA supports, she is unrivaled as a public advocate for these positions. Simply put, having Nina Turner in Congress will be a blessing for the people and the planet.

PDA will do everything in its power to help Senator Turner win this race, just as she fights every day for justice, equality, and a better life for all.

Please support Nina Turner’s campaign and PDA’s efforts to elect Nina Turner to Congress.


