
My Article Today in Truth Dig About Bernie Sanders

Jan 29, 2020

photo: Yours Truly With Bernie Sanders

In solidarity for victory!  Alan Minsky for Mike F., Donna, Deb, Dr. Bill, Dan, Janis, Bryan, Kimberly, and Mike H.—your PDA National Staff

Volunteer For Bernie and/or Pitch In Today


As he did in 2016, Bernie is offering something unique to the political landscape: a transformative vision for a more just and equitable country, and a renewal of American democracy.

His movement is built upon four central tenets:

  1. The American political system is currently broken, unable to respond to the needs of the people and the planet.
  2. There needs to be a political realignment along lines of economic self-interest, uniting the working class.
  3. That realignment, combined with a powerful appeal to common-sense morality (anti-racist, anti-war, pro-environment, universal inclusion), will build a new progressive majority.
  4. Even so, there must also be a revival of citizen participation in politics, lest the movement be crushed by big-money interests.

Sanders is correct on all four fronts. Until such a program is successfully implemented, America’s endemic social and political crises will continue unabated.


Pitch In and/or Volunteer to Help Bernie Win


American politics are locked in a decades-long stalemate. The Republicans block any major Democratic initiative and vice versa. This arrangement invariably preserves the status quo, frustrating anybody who tries to change things democratically.

Sanders’ political revolution, which unites working people across the racial divide, promises a release from this stasis, and there’s ample evidence that it will deliver the kind of electoral victory in the House and Senate required to do just that.

Keep reading here. Then, Volunteer For Bernie and/or Donate Today.


P.S.: Be A Part Of The Political Revolution! get your We Want Bernie Gear here. Bernie can’t do it alone. He’ll need progressives in Congress to work with. Support PDA’s work to elect progressives by making automatic monthly gifts to our Win 2020 Victory Fund.

