Monday: Zoom Meeting on Election Protection
In solidarity,
Mike Hersh for Alan, Mike F., Deb, Kimberly, Bryan, Dr. Bill, Dan, Donna, and Janis—your PDA national team.
Help PDA Protect Our Voting Rights
With Monthly Sustainer Donations
Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) deplores historic voter suppression, and we’re working to thwart efforts to exploit the pandemic to rig our elections.
We’ve been committed to supporting clean, fair, inclusive, and accurately-counted elections since our founding in 2004. As our first major effort, we worked with allies investigating and publicizing wholesale elections “irregularities” in Ohio.
Please join PDA and allies working to ensure that every voter is allowed to vote without interference, and that their votes are counted accurately. On Monday, PDA’s Alan Minsky will bring an election protection plan along with many great grassroots organizers.
Emergency Election Protection Town Hall
Monday July 20, 5-6:30pm ET / 2-3:30 PT
Lines Are Limited, CLICK HERE To Register
Pitch In Each Month To Protect Our Voting Rights
If you want to volunteer to protect our elections, we’d love to hear from you Monday July 20th on our coalition Zoom meeting.
Please review the agenda below, and make certain you’ve registered: Click here to register.
Please join us this Monday July 20th: 2pm PT, 3pm MT, 4pm CT, 5pm ET
We’ll use the same phone numbers and meeting settings as last week. If you don’t have that info? Please Register in advance for this meeting using this link:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
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From: Harvey Wasserman
Agenda for Monday’s Zoom meeting:
ZOOM #13, Monday, July 20, 5-6:30pm eastern / 2-3:30pm pacific
We head to the action phase of our trek toward a protected election. We ask that you contact any and all groups now working to protect this election and invite them to participate in Monday’s call.
Please send contacts to Sluggo at
We start the zoom by finalizing our examination of election auditing. And we deal with the horrendous Supreme Court decision on Florida felon voting, a poll tax redux aiming to disenfranchise more than a million Americans and turn the election.
We will be visited by investigator Greg Palast, whose new book explores just that kind of disenfranchisement, to the tune of 16.5 million Americans nationwide.
And, at last, you get your turn. After a dozen 90-minute slogs through the detail of the coming election, we ask that you speak your peace.
On Monday, July 27, PDA’s Alan Minsky will bring an election protection plan along with many great grassroots organizers.
On Thursday, July 30, we’ll present a high-profile webinar on the state of the election to date, to go out on Facebook etc.
To get Monday’s links & phone numbers, click this link:
see you soon!!
Thank you!
Mike Hersh, Harvey Wasserman, Joel Segal
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We appreciate all you do to support PDA’s election protection efforts. If you’ve never donated to PDA before, now is the perfect time. We need your support more than ever.
Click Here to support PDA’s Election Protection Fund with automatic monthly gifts.
Support PDA’s work to protect your voting rights
Make automatic gifts to our Election Protection Fund