
Monday Action For Healthcare Update.

Jul 13, 2017

By Mike Fox, Associate Director – Progressive Democrats of America

Join A Sit In (Arrest Not Required)

In a massive action in DC this past Monday, at least 80 peaceful sit in members were arrested and charged with “Crowding, Obstructing, or Incommoding” as they asked Republican Senate and House members to stop the “Trumpcare” (or “Wealthcare) bill aimed at repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act. PDA helped spread the word, and members were on the ground.

This following the successful series of events that we worked on last Thurs/Fri. with Our Revolution, Democracy Spring, Democratic Socialists, the Working Families party, and others. 27 events nation wide. Dozens arrested. And Mitch McConnell caught on camera admitting that “Repeal And Replace” has an uphill battle.

Now, with it looking like they’ll try the wealthcare vote next week, we’re doing more direct action in DC on Monday to let congress know the people want no part of a healthcare bill that tears care from millions, guts Medicare and Medicaid, and is basically a giveaway to the hyper rich.

If you’d like to participate — arrest NOT required, and support folks needed — then sign up here. Folks are coming from as far away as California, and we can connect you to free lodging/low cost housing.

Can’t participate in person? Then either have a post card hand delivered to your reps in DC, or email to jump on our nation wide phone bank that will call PDA members in greater DC to get them piling on with the action.

We have McConnell and Trumpco on the ropes on this. Let’s finish strong!

In solidarity,
Mike Fox for Donna, Mike H., Amos, Janis, Deb, Kim, Dan, Judy, Dr. Bill and the rest of the PDA leadership team

PS: If you want more inspiration, check out this digest of the local events last week, or coverage of last Monday’s action in DC.

