
Mission Statement: Progressives for Democracy in America

Jan 10, 2021

By Alan Minsky, Executive Director – Progressive Democrats of America


Progressives for Democracy in America is a 501c4 non-profit founded as an affiliated organization with Progressive Democrats of America.

Progressives for Democracy in America is involved in Federal, State, and Local issue advocacy, as well voter registration drives across the country.

Progressives for Democracy in America was founded to rectify the general population’s lack of engagement with politics and public policy between elections, as well as with elected representatives; and to provide a space through its local chapters where people can discuss politics, public policy, and the performance of their elected representatives.

Progressives for Democracy in America’s signature project is its liaison program through which local members act as liaisons to elected officials at the Federal, State, and local levels of government. PDA liaisons reach out to elected officials and their staffs to advocate for progressive policies – and then report back to other PDA members in the relevant constituency – thereby sparking a greater level of public engagement with decisions affecting everyone’s lives; thereby ensuring that our representative democracy better serves the people and the planet.



Websites and Social Media

Progressive Democrats of America website
Progressive Democrats of America Twitter
Progressive Democrats of America Facebook
Progressive Democrats of America YouTube
Progressive Democrats of America Instagram
Progressive Democrats of America Flickr
Progressive Democrats of America Tumblr
Progressive Democrats of America Linkedin

Progressives for Democracy in America website

Between the two organizations, PDA has approximately 650,000 supporters across the country and in our database.


Clarification about the Relationship Between the Two Organizations and Their Roles in the Liaison Program

Officially, the Congressional Liaison project, as well as State, County, and City Liaison projects, are operating under the auspices of Progressives for Democracy in America.

So, the logo of Progressives for Democracy in America will be used on all letters to offices, and all official documentation.

However, since all members of Progressives for Democracy in America are automatically eligible to participate in all Progressive Democrats of America activities; and since Progressive Democrats of America remains (at this hour) the better known organization, liaisons are encouraged to tell office staff and the elected officials that are also representing Progressive Democrats of America.

Please contact your regional coordinator if you have any questions on this matter.


