MFA and COVID19 Update – July 18, 2021
By Dr. Bill Honigman, Healthcare Human Rights, Coordinator – Progressive Democrats of America
So, it’s now been 492 days since we first went into national shut down due to #COVID19 last year, and according to the Harvard University daily tracker 608,165 total Americans have died so far due to this public health emergency.
Furthermore, we know that 40% of those lost souls, according to the Lancet Commission Study published this last February, would still be alive today, or an average of 494 lives saved every day up until today if we had a #SinglePayer expanded and improved #MedicareForAll system in place to deal with this crisis.
Clearly, this continues to be shocking and screams out for leadership.
And by the way, for those worried about Guillian-Barre Syndrome as an adverse effect of the J&J vaccine, perhaps look at the bigger picture…
Odds for getting…
Guillian-Barre due to vaccine 1:128,000
Hit by lightning 1:15,300
Hit by a car 1:4,292
Death by COVID 1:550
Which odds are you willing to take, for yourself, or for your family?
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