
MFA and COVID19 Update – December 11, 2022

Dec 12, 2022 | PDA Blog

photo: PDA’s Dr. Bill — Sacramento Single Payer Rally 6-15-21


By Dr. Bill Honigman, Healthcare Human Rights, Coordinator – Progressive Democrats of America



1,090,899 Total COVID19 deaths in US to date*

436,359 US COVID19 deaths prevented with MFA**

*Harvard University Daily Tracker

**Lancet Comm, Feb 2021

This is now our 148th consecutive weekly PDA Online Sunday Town Hall that began when #COVID19 first hit the U.S. in the spring of 2020.  And once again today, we must report that the United States continues in our disgrace, to be the world leader in deaths due to the coronavirus.

The Harvard University daily tracking center is reporting the U.S. confirmed COVID19 total death toll today at 1,090,899, which means according to the Lancet Commission Report of 2021, that some 436,359 Americans have now died unnecessarily from COVID19, and would still be alive today under a system of Universal Healthcare like #SinglePayer expanded and improved #MedicareForAll (MFA).

This week, world new cases and deaths due to COVID19 were increased in the U.S., France, Brazil, Japan, and South Korea, with some leveling in the U.K., Italy, Germany, and Russia. is reporting now that only 68.6% of world population have received at least one dose of the COVID19 vaccine, with only 24.9% of those who happen to live in low-income countries, primarily of the global south, having received any COVID19 vaccine whatsoever, so far.

The U.S. still has only 69.4% of its population with a completed initial series.

And, the Johns Hopkins Resource Center which ranks countries by percentage COVID19 vaccinations as first dose only, this week has the U.S. at No. 48, still just behind Tuvalu and Panama, and just ahead of Kuwait and Belgium.

And the U.S. worst state for COVID19 vaccination continues to be Wyoming, at only 52.8% of their population now fully vaxxed.  That’s what I would call “Red State Madness,” given that the public health warnings of the “triple-demic” of COVID, RSV, and influenza, is now upon us, and only a free range cow could conceivably ignore that.

How bad is the triple-demic?

Becker’s Hospital Review on Friday of this week, reported that “hospitals have not been this full since Omicron’s height,” and they site a CNN analysis that according to HHS data showed “more than 80 percent of the nation’s hospital beds are in use, the highest rate throughout the pandemic”.

Speaking again of vaccines, the FDA this week approved the use of both the Moderna and Pfizer new bivalent vaccines for children 6 months to 5 years of age.  Also, with post-Thanksgiving “community levels” of the Omicron variants again on the rise, and with RSV and flu also transmissible by respiratory droplets, they’re asking us all to #BringBackMasks whenever we’re out in public.

Of course, none of that life-saving advice is likely to be heeded, especially in Wyoming or the other “red” areas of this country, unless or until we become “civilized” like that rest of the advanced countries of the world, and get #UniversalHealtcare, where ALL the people get ALL the valid medical information, and as a result, ALL the Healthcare, as we will have with MFA.

Thanks again for all that you’re doing for the cause, and onward!


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