
Medicare For All Update. RSVP For Next Town Hall Now.

Sep 28, 2020

Thanks again and onward!!

Dr. Bill Honigman for Alan, Donna, Mike F., Janis, Dan, Deb, Bryan, Kimberly, and Mike H.—your PDA National Team


 RSVP For Next Healthcare Emergency Town Hall

Sunday, Oct. 4, 4pm ET/1pm PT


Once again with our weekly PDA Healthcare Emergency Town Halls* we are choosing to step up efforts to discuss the issue of #HealthcareJustice as it relates to the pandemic.  We all know COVID-19 is a giant wake up call, not only for #MedicareForAll but also for the #GreenNewDeal.

This week, the world is up another 2 million known cases to over 32 million now, and deaths due to COVID-19 this week are up by 11,000 more globally than last week’s increase.

Here in the US, what had been recognized as a flattening or declining curve that we experienced in August and most of this month, is now appearing to increase once again, although only slightly so far. One COVID-19 watchdog source described the outlook this week, “…As Trump tries to change the subject to culture wars and continues his assault on election integrity, the U.S. death rate sails past the 200,000 mark with no reasonable hope for mitigation in the foreseeable future.”

All of this is crying out for new leadership, and a public health plan like MFA to deal  with COVID-19, and for those public health crises yet to come with rising global temperatures.

Please join us for our next Healthcare Emergency Town Hall Sunday, Oct. 4 at 4pm ET/1pm PT (RSVP to receive secure link here).  Can’t make the town hall but want to help?  Let us know

In the meantime, please support our efforts to help these PDA-endorsed candidates who “get it” how MFA will save money and save lives. We’ll also be holding a Berniecrats Beat Trump Campaign call on Fri., Oct. 2 at 9pm ET/6pm PT.  RSVP here.

Finally, please support PDA with any donation that you can give for this ongoing work.

* In case you missed it, here’s the recording of 9/27 Healthcare Emergency Town Hall here.

1 Comment

  1. Cindy

    We already have a National Health Care system called the ACA. Joe Biden will expand on this. It will cover our Covid crisis and probability a lot more than Medicare for all will. Do you actually know how Medicare works? There’s a lot of personal cost involved there too. Hidden costs.
    It’s a catchy phrase”Medicare for all” but the reality is you are creating more divisiveness amongst people.
