Medicare For All Outreach
By Mike Fox for Dr. Bill, Alan, Deb, Mike H., Janis, Kimberly, Bryan, Dan, Donna, and Shayna—Your PDA National Team
Let’s Keep Dr. Bill On The Road Making House Calls
Lots Of Hours And Lots Of Miles For Medicare For All
There’s a good chance you have met or been on a call with Progressive Democrats of America (PDA)’s Dr. Bill Honigman. He’s part of our national staff, co-coordinates our California chapter, and is often the face and voice of PDA via numerous radio and television appearances. You might not know that he’s also PDA’s roving ambassador for Improved Medicare for All, constantly making presentations across the country as Co-Chair of our Healthcare Is A Human Right issue team.
Pitch In To Keep Dr. Bill In Action
Dr. Bill has a crazy travel schedule coming up, and we’re committed to covering his expenses so he doesn’t go broke getting out the word on Improved Medicare for All.
Saturday, he’ll be traveling from his home in Orange County to give a talk for Health Care For All Marin. Then, he’ll stay over to attend a luncheon the next day with Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP) Marin. Then it’s back to the O.C. for his County Committee meeting on Monday. After that, it’s back to the Bay area on Tuesday for another presentation at the PDA San Francisco Chapter meeting, then back for a presentation in Orange, CA on Wednesday, then back to Oakland for the California Single Payer meeting.
Whew! There’s no doubt that Dr. Bill puts his heart, soul, and shoe leather into making sure we enact Improved Medicare For All. Let’s have his back. Will you help? We’re trying to raise $1,000 today to cover these travel expenses—discount air fare and a sandwich or two along the way—and to set aside some funds to cover his travel to future events. Please pitch in whatever you can afford, and if you can, please make it an automatic monthly gift.
We’d like to raise enough to send Dr. Bill to do a Medicare For All house call near you!
Thanks so much for anything you do to help.
Mike Fox for Dr. Bill, Alan, Deb, Mike H., Janis, Kimberly, Bryan, Dan, Donna, and Shayna—Your PDA National Team
P.S. We don’t ask for dues. We rely on small donations from people like you. If you’ve donated before, now is the time to sign up to make automatic monthly “sustainer” contributions. If you’re already a sustainer, we appreciate your help! If you can, please consider increasing your donation by giving another amount per month.
No spare change to help us make change? Then join the PDA Phone Team making easy, effective calls from your own home with me, Mike “Phone Guy” Fox. We’re here to help you make progress in your state and locality! If you need help organizing a new PDA chapter or energizing your existing chapter, please contact PDA Field Coordinator Dan O’Neal.
Join PDA Organizing for Medicare for All
Become a Change Makes Change Sustainer
Adelante Dr. Bill – the best progressive activist – like, er, EVER – !!