May Day 2024: Celebrate Workers’ Victories Wednesday
We’ve Come a Long Way: Let’s Show Solidarity with our Working Brothers and Sisters
After the violent Haymarket Affair on May 4, 1886, in Chicago, Illinois, May 1st was designated as May Day, a day in support of workers, by an international federation of socialist groups and trade unions. Workers stood up against the 19th-century robber barons to get safer working conditions, shorter work weeks, and better pay and benefits.
2023 was momentous for the union movement. Under Shawn Fain’s leadership, the UAW secured favorable contracts from the Big Three automakers. Last week, Volkswagen workers in Chattanooga, Tennessee, voted resoundingly to join the United Auto Workers union, the first auto plant in the South to unionize by election since the 1940s.
In Hollywood last summer, writers and actors secured gains after prolonged strikes. Workers in healthcare, casinos, and other service sector jobs went on strike to secure decent contracts. Amazon workers held strikes in 30 countries, and Starbucks employees struck across the U.S.
PDA stands shoulder-to-shoulder with working people everywhere against the depredations of modern-day robber barons…and we need your help. Here’s how:
- Volunteer with PDA’s unrivaled team of nationwide activists, to elect progressive champions to Congress;
- Donate so that PDA can continue to fight for workers’ justice issues;
- Join our weekly Campaign to Victory call, and learn how we are organizing to elect more pro-labor progressives to Congress;
- Join our Labor and Economic Issues Organizing Team to keep informed and active on these vital issues.
In solidarity with our brothers and sisters,
Debra Schrishuhn for the PDA National Team