
Massive Earth Day On Line Actions And More. Pile On!

Apr 21, 2021 | PDA News

In solidarity with a sustainable tomorrow,

Mike Fox for the PDA National Team

Help Us Make This Year’s Earth Day The Most Productive Ever


As President Biden convenes his historic Climate Summit, help us make sure that he, congress, and the press know that we’re past time for incremental solutions to the Climate Emergency.  We must act boldly, and we must act now.

Below are multiple actions you can take all this week to help us enable the kind of change we need.

Wednesday, April 21
Climate Summit Action with #BuildBackFossilFree,, and Climate Clock –
Today, youth strikers, climate impacted communities, and climate and environmental justice activists are joining together to escalate the demand for President Joe Biden to #BuildBackFossilFree and stop all new fossil fuel projects, ahead of his Leaders Summit on Climate from April 22-23. A Climate Clock will travel from Union Square in New York City to the White House in Washington, D.C. with a petition demanding Biden and world leaders stop all fossil fuel expansion.

Hit social media and call congress and the White House and tell them “the climate crisis is happening now and we have less than seven years to prevent the worst effects of climate change from becoming irreversible. We need a complete transition off of fossil fuels and towards a just, renewable future now. There is no time to waste on climate delay.  Biden must stop the fossil fuel projects that are poisoning communities and driving climate chaos, starting with DAPL, Line 3, and defending the Gulf.”

Key accounts to tweet, facebook and instagram @
@potus @JoeBiden, President Joe Biden
@ClimateEnvoy, John Kerry, US Climate Envoy
@GinaMcCarthy Gina McCarthy, National Climate Advisor
@maggiethomas315, Maggie Thomas, Domestic Climate Policy Chief of Staff
@cleantechsonia, Sonia Aggarwal, Senior Advisor for Climate Policy
@alizaidi46, Ali Zaidi, Deputy National Climate Advisor
@djhayes01, David Hayes, Special Assistant to the President for Climate Policy

Facebook, White House main page, official POTUS account

Instagram White House main account official POTUS (official, rarely used)

Key accounts & hashtags to follow for updates
Accounts and and and


Main hashtags for the frontline fights

Also Wednesday:
Diane Wilson’s #StopTheDredging #StopOilExports hunger strike – Gulf Coast community leader Diane Wilson is leading a multi-week hunger strike to stop dredging that would facilitate the buildout of new crude oil exports facilities. People are invited to join a hunger strike in solidarity with Diane on Wednesday 4/21.  Solidarity Toolkit here.

Thursday, April 22:
Gulf leaders are leading actions in DC, with solidarity actions organized by Power Shift Network – “Activists from the Gulf are coming up to DC to amplify their demand that Biden #DefendTheGulf from industrial pollution and the climate crisis. Join Power Shift Network for a coordinated digital push/Twitter storm on April 22nd starting at 2pm CT as we amplify the virtual and in-person actions.”
Defend the Gulf toolkit
Power Shift digital action toolkit

All Week
#DefendTheGulf week of action – “The Gulf Coast has been ground zero for much of the fossil fuel industry for a majority of the past century, but too often the region is left out of conversations on Climate. In response to this, organizers and community members from across the Gulf are holding a week of action to lift up our demand that Biden #DefendTheGulf from industrial pollution and the climate crisis.”
Details here:

US Climate Fair Shares – “As you know, the climate crisis is impacting communities at home and abroad and requires bold, immediate action. With the largest economy in the world and the greatest historical emissions of greenhouse gases, the U.S. must commit to doing its “fair share” of the global effort to limit global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius. This effort must be carried out in a manner that prioritizes the dignity, well-being, and safety of marginalized communities and the most vulnerable in both the U.S. and around the world.”
Share and take action:

Volunteer for our Climate Emergency Phone Team.

Can’t volunteer?  Then please donate all you can to help fuel our on-going efforts to combat the Climate Emergency.

Thanks so much for anything you can do.

1 Comment

  1. jaaabee

    Diane Wilson will die of hunger before dredging is stopped along the gulf coast. Why now after century or more of developing anything and everything all across the country does this woman suddenly propose that she dies to stop dredging. Americans have consistently sacrificed their honor and signature on paper to get what they want as long as it generates a dollar. Capitalism without integrity is the culprit. Socialism is not the answer. Giveaways to the poor paid for by the sweat from the working class is not the answer. There needs to be a new definition of success in America and it isn’t based on the size of your wallet. A man’s ability to achieve wealth and security for his family based partly upon his willingness to put forth the work required to achieve that wealth and security is a great thing and motivator. We can’t lose it.
