
Marianne Williamson online event hosted by Young Progressive Democrats of America, Tuesday

Jan 15, 2024 | PDA News

PDA’s New Youth-Outreach Group Young Progressives for Democracy in America hosting a free online event with Marianne Williamson,
Tuesday, 1/16 at 7pm ET/4pm PT. RSVP here.


While Progressive Democrats of America has not endorsed any candidate running for President, we provide this info for any of our folks interested in hearing from Democratic Presidential Candidate Marianne Williamson.

Young Progressive Democrats of America Town Hall with America’s Youth, Featuring Marianne Williamson

Tuesday, January 7
7pm ET/6pm CT/5pm MT/4pm PT/3pm AK/2pm HI
Register here. The machine will email you your secure codes.

It’s great to see young people taking such initiative, and look forward to YPDA being a real force in driving out the youth vote in 2024.

Invite your young friends!

In solidarity,

Mike Fox for the PDA National Team

1 Comment

  1. arminius h.

    The Democratic Party needs to be more, well, ‘democratic’. With no debates on issues, with no primaries permitted, with continued years-(decades?)long stacking the rules in a way to silence voices (even some I personally disagreed with), all facilitated by a collaborative corporate media which ‘disappears’ almost all dissident voices, while the President hypocritically postures as a ‘Champion of our Democracy’ – we are faced with the ‘where are you going to go’ extortionary argument. If Republicans are fascists, and the Democrats don’t allow democracy, then *electoral politics are meaningless because democracy is already dead.*
