Let’s Talk Turkey With Norman Solomon
By Donna Smith, PDA Executive Director – for Judy, Janis, Deb, Kimberly, Mike F., Dan, Dr. Bill, Bryan, Amos, and Mike H.—Your PDA National Team
Join Us For An Important Call TOMORROW!
Be A “Win 2018” Monthly Sustaining Donor
With Thanksgiving coming up this week, talking turkey this week with long time friends and family of Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) seems like good timing. So we have a special treat in store for all who value honest, intelligent discourse about the efforts to learn from the 2016 election cycle and to honestly assess the performance of the DNC through the process. We want to see the Party on the strongest, most progressive footing possible as we enter 2018, and we believe that being honest and accurate about what went wrong is part of making things right.
Please CLICK HERE to register for the DNC Autopsy call with Norman Solomon, then join us TOMORROW, 6 pm PST/9 pm EST, Tuesday evening, November 21st. Norman was part of the magnificent team who studied and authored the report, “Autopsy: The Democratic Party in Crisis.”
Yours Truly With Norman Solomon
PDA has never been about simply complaining or walking away from tough concerns, and we will also discuss some of the ways we have been working to fix what ails the Party while building on the victories of some of the off-year, special elections. We can do both, folks. In fact, to be good stewards of our progressive values, we have to look honestly at what worked and what did not, and build a better path forward. Join Us For An Important Call TOMORROW to discuss how we can move ahead as Progressive Democrats!
Perfect unity may never be achieved but that does not prevent us from making strong progress and preparing for an successful 2018 when strong turnout and strong candidates will lead us out of the Trumpublican insanity that has so undermined national and world stability. You may seen Norman with Amy Goodman on “Democracy Now” discussing the Autopsy report, and if you haven’t read it yet, take some time and do so.
A little more history with Norman Solomon and PDA: Norman Solomon and I co-chaired PDA’s Healthcare NOT Warfare campaign together with Rep. John Conyers for several years. We first came to know and appreciate Norman as an advocate for peace and a strong opponent of nuclear weapons. He is a prolific writer who has published numerous award-winning books about war and peace and also on accuracy and fairness in the media.
Throughout 2016, PDA was thrilled to work with Norman on the Bernie Delegates Network, a unique grouping of those DNC delegates from PDA and beyond. The BDN offered the only coordinated effort completely independent of the Sanders campaign to offer polling insights from more than one-third of the delegates committed to Bernie Sanders’ Democratic primary bid for the presidency.
Every day of the 2016 DNC in Philadelphia—in addition to his active participation as an elected delegate in the California delegation—Norman led a press conference that gave the media the most immediate and independent analysis of the leanings and opinions of the delegates who were committed to Bernie’s candidacy. There is so much more we could say about Norman, and many of you already know him.
Join us on the call with Norman Solomon tomorrow evening to discuss how we can move ahead as Progressive Democrats. We are already doing the work from the ground up to help reform the Party, and we will discuss that a bit along with our efforts to make sure our nation does not give in to the cruel and short-sighted political desires of radical conservatives and political opportunists like the one in the White House.
A majority of Americans support strong, Progressive Democratic ideas and policies, and we can confidently take back Congress in 2018 and the White House in 2020 if we have the courage, the commitment, and the resources to do so. Joining the Win 2018 Sustainer Team at $20.18 per month or giving any amount each month will help us recruit and support the next generation of Progressive champions.
We also need your financial support for our regular day-by-day work standing up to the Trumpublicans. You know that already, but we are woefully low on signs and placards, buttons and bumper stickers. Please pitch in as much as you can to help oppose Trump and the GOP. Thank you for all you do.
In solidarity,
Donna Smith, PDA Executive Director
for Judy, Janis, Deb, Kimberly, Mike F., Dan, Dr. Bill, Bryan, Amos, and Mike H.—Your PDA National Team
P.S. The midterm elections are less than a year away. We need you to step up big right now! Please dig deeply now and donate generously to help PDA elect progressives to Congress.You’ll barely notice $20.18 (or any other amount) per month. Whatever you can afford to give, that regular contribution will make all the difference!