Labor surge and the 21st-Century Bill of Economic Human Rights. Join us!
In solidarity,
Mike Fox for the PDA National Team
Support Our Ongoing Work for Labor
and or
Join Our Economics and Labor Issue Organizing Call Thursday May 5, 8pm ET
With the victories for workers unionizing at Starbucks, Amazon, and elsewhere, we’re seeing the strongest surge of solidarity in over 50 years.
Workers are learning that when they organize effectively, they win.
We’ll be discussing these developments as well as a platform that we feel is key to progressives winning in the 2022 cycle—the 21st-Century Economic Bill of Rights—at our next meeting of our Economics And Labor Issue Organizing Team.
If you’d like to learn more about the movement and get active in the struggle, join us!
Economics And Labor Issue Organizing Team Zoom
Thursday, May 5
8pm ET; 7pm CT; 6pm MT; 5pm PT; 4pm AK; 2pm HI
Click here to register.
All of the polling suggests that even with the war waging in Ukraine, the single most important issues to American voters revolve around their personal economic situation.
If we reinforce to voters that it’s in their best economic interests to vote blue, we win! Simple as that.
Hope to see you May 5th, or before!