
Join us Thursday for a Strategy Session with Strike Solidarity Updates & a 21st Century Economic Bill of Rights

Feb 23, 2022 | PDA News

Alan Minsky for the PDA National Team


Sign up for February’s Meeting of PDA’s Economics and Labor IOT—

Thursday at 8pm ET/5pm PT



All PDA supporters are invited to this month’s meeting of our Economics and Labor Issue Organizing Team, happening tomorrow at 8pm ET/5pm PT. Sign up here.

It’s going to be a jam-packed meeting. In the first half hour, we’re discussing Secretary of the PDA Board Randy Shannon’s latest article: PDA’s Strategy: Building a Progressive-Labor Alliance, as well as the steps we’ll be taking over the next month to build this essential alliance.

In the middle third of the meeting, we’ll be joined by history Professor Harvey J Kaye to discuss PDA’s call for progressive candidates to endorse a 21st-Century Economic Bill of Rights. Click here to read.

Then, to close out the meeting, we’ll hear updates from strikes and labor actions taking place across the country: from Starbucks workers in Wisconsin (or around the corner) to the lockout of UAW members at Collins Aerospace in Toledo, Ohio, to Amazon warehouse workers and striking miners in Alabama to a picket line near you.

Join us for an evening of insight, organizing, and solidarity!

Hope to see you there.

