Join us at the Healthcare Emergency Town Hall – Wendell Potter, Omicron, and more.
Thanks, and onward,
Dr. Bill Honigman for the PDA National Team
Join Wendell Potter at Our Healthcare Emergency Town Hall
This Sunday, 12/05, 4pm ET/1pm PT
Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) proudly stands for Healthcare as a Human Right, and as such continues to support #MedicareExpansion in the #BuildBackBetter (BBB) Act that was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives last month, now awaiting passage by the U.S. Senate. The BBB Act must, as we see it, include expanded benefits at lower out-of-pocket costs for seniors and the disabled to receive essential medical services, as a significant step toward fully expanded and improved #MedicareForAll.
Furthermore, we remain steadfast in our conviction that only with a #SinglePayer system of #UniversalHealthcare, that brings everybody in and leaves nobody out, can we be assured that the response of this country to future pandemics and other public health crises, especially those expected with rising global temperatures, will be met with appropriate efficiency and equity. Otherwise, we are doomed to repeat the outrageous inadequacies that we have seen with #COVID19, or worse.
Join us for the PDA Progressive Online Town Hall Meeting this Sunday December 5th, 4p ET / 1p PT, as we welcome once again, great friend of PDA, iconic health insurance whistleblower, author and advocate, Wendell Potter. Through his many print and screen platforms, he has most recently addressed among other pertinent topics the inordinate influence of the American Dental Association (ADA) in its collaboration with the health insurance lobby. Together, these entities are raking in tremendous profits from the evermore profitized Medicare Advantage commercial market, and collectively were rewarded for their efforts by keeping dental benefits out of the BBB Act, at least so far. Wendell also has looked recently at “surprise medical billing” and a new rule from the Biden administration that surprisingly gives health insurance companies even more power and advantage in profit-making, just when we need to be correcting our course, and certainly not making things worse.
We’ll also have an update on the Omicron variant and how we can stay healthy during the holidays.
Register for this town hall here, and sign up to volunteer here, and/or donate here, to help make all of this happen.
Hope to see you Sunday!
PS: See previous Town Halls archived on YouTube here.
Is there any way to watch this after the date?
Yes! https://youtu.be/TaEQPQYQNPM