Join PDA’s Fight for Medicare for All
Too many PDA MFA activists to fit into one picture!
Alan Minsky for Donna, Dr. Bill, Mike H., Mike F., Janis, Deb, Dan, Kim, Bryan, and Shayna—your PDA National Medicare for All Team
This Saturday, Tune in to Our Webinar on
Grassroots Lobbying for Medicare For All
Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) was founded in 2004 to mobilize for progress on specific policies, including Medicare For All (MFA). About a week from now, Rep. Pramila Jayapal will introduce the most comprehensive Expanded and Improved Medicare For All legislation in U.S. History. Activists across the country are already working to launch a grassroots uprising to bring a majority of Representatives on board cosponsoring the bill.
Join this Saturday’s webinar, hosted by Healthcare-NOW, People Demanding Action, and Progressive Democrats of America for a step-by-step guide to running your own grassroots campaign to move your Representative onto the Medicare for All Act of 2019. Then call Congress at 202-858-1717 to urge your Representative to sign on as an original cosponsor.
Join Us Saturday February 2nd, 2pm EST / 11am PST
Click here to RSVP, and we will send you all the info.
Call Congress 202-858-1717–urge your Representative
to cosponsor Rep. Jayapal’s Medicare For All Act now!
Please Give Now To Support Our MFA Organizing!
The webinar will start with a short training providing you with all the information and materials you need to run a strategic campaign. That will be followed by brief case studies, and plenty of time for questions & answers.
We’ll address strategies and challenges if you are trying to get your Rep on board as a co-sponsor for the first time, or if your Rep is already a co-sponsor and you’d like them to take on a greater leadership role. We’ll provide options if you are a small group of activists or a large coalition of unions and organizations. We’ll discuss short-term campaigns, as well as longer, multi-year campaigns—and explain how to decide which type of strategy is most appropriate for you.
PDA is part of a national coalition led by our close allies National Nurses United (NNU) that will be organizing support for the new bill. Starting now, the activism kicks into high gear, including NNU’s Medicare For All Barnstorming events to support Rep. Jayapal’s bill that PDA will be participating in across the country, and this Saturday’s webinar.
Please support PDA and our efforts to win Medicare for All. As you see from our organizing, we are on the front lines of the battle for creating a sane, just health care system in America. We have two of the greatest advocates in the country in our ranks, Donna Smith and Dr. Bill Honigman. Today’s donations to PDA will help us fully mobilize Donna, Dr. Bill, and our entire Medicare for All campaign.
Along with giving, you can also help out by contacting your member of Congress and urging them to become an original cosponsor of Rep. Jayapal’s Medicare For All bill. This legislation would guarantee all medically necessary care including—in-patient, out-patient, surgery, hospitalization, emergency, mental, dental, vision, hearing, medical devices, tests, supplies, pharmaceuticals, therapy, long term, rehabilitation, substance abuse, preventative care—and more. All with no out-of-pocket costs. No premiums, no copays, no deductibles, no fees, no costs of any kind.
This is the best healthcare legislation in our nation’s history. Please do all you can to ensure a powerful launch with as many cosponsors as possible. Pitch in to support the mobilization, and call Congress at 202-858-1717 to urge your Representative to cosponsor Rep. Jayapal’s Medicare For All Act of 2019.
P.S. We’re here to help you make progress in your state and locality! If you need help organizing a new PDA chapter or energizing your existing chapter, please contact PDA Field Coordinator Dan O’Neal. Join the PDA Phone Team making easy, effective calls from your own home with Mike “Phone Guy” Fox. Also please pitch in $1000, $100, or whatever you can afford to support our organizing for Medicare For All.