
Join A Women’s March Near You!

Jan 12, 2018

By   Mike Fox for Donna, Mike H., Amos, Janis, Deb, Kim, Bryan, Dan, Judy, and Dr. Bill, your National PDA Team

Ready To Make Some Noise?


The first Women’s March made global history last year.

We’re looking to do the same this year, as year one of the Trump presidency has been a travesty for women.  At PDA we’re proud to stand with our progressive sisters and fight the just fight for equality.

The weekend of Jan. 20 and 21st it’s anticipated that hundreds of thousands will hit the streets to say No to the Trump Regime and and organize to make solutions to challenges for women a reality.

Click here to join an event near you,

Also, if you are willing to volunteer or represent PDA at one of these marches, please reply to this email.

Can’t make it to an event?  Then please drop in a donation to help us continue our fight for womenvia our work on the ERA, reproductive rights, and other issues impacting women across the country.

Thanks so much for anything you can do right now.

Let’s be loud and proud!

In solidarity.

Mike Fox for Donna, Mike H., Amos, Janis, Deb, Kim, Bryan, Dan, Judy, and Dr. Bill, your National PDA Team

