
Is Healthcare A Human Right? Yes!

Jun 12, 2018

By  Mike Hersh, for Donna, Mike F, Judy, Dan, Janis, Deb, Dr. Bill, Bryan, and Kim—your PDA National Team

Click Here to Support Medicare For All

Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) is often among the first. We’re used to attracting support to once-unpopular causes that—through the hard work of our activists and our allies—become mainstream. We were the first national organization to urge Bernie Sanders to run for president as a Democrat, in large part because he has been a trailblazer on the most important issues, including declaring healthcare is a human right.

Please donate whatever you can afford to support our struggle for healthcare

Watch Roger Manno’s Video on Healthcare

Healthcare Is A Human Right!

Please contribute generously now to ensure we have the resources we need to help lead efforts around the country—from California to Florida to Nevada to Maryland to Minnesota where healthcare activists including our own Donna Smith and Dr. Bill will meet with national healthcare is a human right leaders this Friday and Saturday.

Click here to get involved with the landmark organizing at the national Single Payer conference in Minneapolis this week, and / or to help launch a new PDA Chapter in Minneapolis. We’re planning a special PDA breakout meeting Saturday, and we’d love for you to join us!

The movement for Medicare For All is building. PDA-endorsed, Medicare for All / single-payer champion Amy Vilela is running a strong campaign in Nevada. Her primary is TODAY. Click here now to make easy, important get out the vote calls for Amy. No time to make calls? Then click hereto help PDA elect Amy and other progressives with a generous gift.

Medicare for All / single-payer healthcare is among the most important initiatives that PDA and our allies have championed. Another PDA-endorsed Medicare for All champion Roger Manno believes as we do, that when you’re injured or ill, you shouldn’t be abandoned or subject to the profit motives of enormous insurance companies. Americans cannot trust their health to huge corporations. Greed always triumphs. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Join PDA working for Healthcare as a Human Right!

Last Saturday in Tampa, Florida, PDA and allies welcomed amazing leaders to a strategy and action conference. National Nurses United (NNU) Co-President Jean Ross flew in from Minnesota p, and Field Operative Mari Lopez came in from Healthy California to wow the packed room of Florida healthcare advocates from across the state. Florida now has state single payer legislation in both the State Senate and House, and 7 of the 11 Democrats in Florida’s US House delegation are cosponsors of HR 676–so the wave is definitely building.

Florida organizers identified 7 different campaigns to work—from pushing the 4 remaining US House Dems to sign on HR 676, to working for HR 676 candidates in red to blue districts, to presenting cost savings at county commission and school board meetings and canvassing door to door. Everyone left energized and organized, and most importantly, with a to-do list and firm commitment to not only talk it, but do it!

In Maryland, (where early voting starts this Thursday) among our Representatives only the right wing Republican Andy Harris and conserva-dems Steny Hoyer, Dutch Ruppersberger, and the retiring John Delaney have refused to stand with patients over profits. Both of our PDA-endorsed candidates for Congress Jamie Raskin and Roger Manno are dedicated to passing HR 676–the Medicare for All legislation—hopefully bringing the Maryland delegation’s support up to at least 5 of 8. Also, Ben Jealous, the leading candidate for governor, is running on Medicare for All platform.

All this progress takes hard work and resources. If you’re thankful for all the organizing Progressive Democrats of America does for you, please donate $500, $50, or whatever you can to keep our movement growing.

In solidarity,

Mike Hersh, for Donna, Mike F, Judy, Dan, Janis, Deb, Dr. Bill, Bryan, and Kim—your PDA National Team

P.S. Watch this newly-released video from Roger Manno about his commitment to Medicare for All. We’re here to help you make progress in your state and locality! If you need help organizing a new PDA chapter or energizing your existing chapter, please contact PDA Field Coordinator Dan O’Neal.

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