In Today’s America, Men and Women are Still not Equal Under the Law
Toward equality for all,
Debra Schrishuhn for the PDA National Team
PDA Works Toward Equality Every Day: Become a Monthly Sustainer Today to Support Our Efforts
August 26th was Women’s Equality Day, commemorating the day in 1920 that women gained the right to vote with a proclamation announcing the enactment of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. And here we are, 102 years later, still fighting to be equal according to U.S. law.
Since Roe v. Wade was struck down two months ago, legal chaos has ensued with a predictable patchwork of new regulations restricting (and sometimes enshrining) abortion rights in various states. New trigger laws took effect this week, judges are busy striking down or upholding various new laws, and now a proposal to enshrine abortion rights in the Michigan Constitution will be on the November ballot.
We cannot take anything for granted. Democrats must retain and expand their congressional majorities. To do so we need massive voter turnout. Help PDA push voter turnout, and we’ll get there together.