
In Support of High-Speed Rail in the USA

May 21, 2021 | PDA News

In solidarity,
Alan Minsky for the PDA National Team

PDA Calls upon Congress to Support a National High-Speed Rail System: A Necessary Step to a Zero Carbon, Full Employment 21st-Century Society



Recently, PDA has joined with Manufacturing Renaissance, Democracy Partners, and other organizations to promote a program designed to grow the U.S. manufacturing sector with a commitment to high wages, diverse ownership, and environmental stewardship. We feel that this model for “high-road” domestic manufacturing will help us achieve the prosperous, inclusive middle class society—without poverty or carbon emissions—that we need in 21st Century America.

A new wave of manufacturing production is essential for building the capacity of the renewable, green energy systems that will end our addiction to fossil fuels. Also, America needs to build a new national rapid transportation system, one without carbon emissions, that can be achieved through a combination of long-distance high-speed rail and local light rail systems.

The best opportunity we have to jump-start U.S. manufacturing and re-make our national transportation system is the American Jobs Plan (aka the  “infrastructure bill”), currently being drafted in Congress.

Therefore, PDA joins with the United States High Speed Rail Association in calling upon Congress to incorporate the funding levels and policies proposed in Rep. Seth Moulton’s H.R.1845, The American High-Speed Rail Act, into the American Jobs Plan.

The American High-Speed Rail Act provides a reasonable minimum starting point for a national program by investing $41 billion annually in high-speed and higher-speed rail through grants administered by the Federal Railroad Administration over 5 years, with 75 percent of the funds dedicated to true high-speed rail.

If the Europeans, the Japanese, and the Chinese can build High-Speed Rail, we can do it here! 

A national high-speed rail system will dramatically lower our carbon footprint; and create millions of high-paying manufacturing and construction jobs, making the phrase “a just transition for workers” more than a hollow slogan. 

Please contact your Member of Congress and ask that they co-sponsor H.R.1845, and support the allocation of funds as part of the America Jobs Plan, to build a national high speed rail system. Then let us know when you’ve done so.



