
Important Meeting Tonight: How we Defeat the Extraction Industry’s “Dirty Side Deal,” Defend Frontline Communities, and Protect the Environment

Aug 31, 2022 | PDA News

In solidarity,
Alan Minsky for the PDA National Team


RSVP for PDA’s Congressional Liaison call tonight at 8pm ET / 5pm PT.  Join our nationwide team to demand that Congress reject the side deal Joe Manchin negotiated on behalf of the extraction industries, gutting the environmental protection review process and devastating frontline communities


Have no illusions, Joe Manchin’s “side deal,” which he negotiated with Democratic leadership in order to secure his support for the Inflation Reduction Act, is little more than a fossil fuel and extraction industry wish list. Indeed, it’s tantamount to their dreams coming true, meaning it’s a nightmare for everyone else.  

What does it do? It guts the environmental protection review process, expediting permits for new fossil fuel, mining, and really any large-scale industrial projects. These protections have been won through decades of struggle, and passed by generations of Democratic politicians. It is unconscionable that a Democratic Congress is poised to join with our right-wing courts in weakening these protections, and betray the frontline communities of color whose overwhelming support delivered the Democratic Party its greatest victories this century.

Fortunately, there’s something we can do, and tonight we start organizing to get it done. 

RSVP here. (The Zoom link for the meeting will be sent to you in the hour before the meeting, starting at 8pm ET/7pm CT/6pm MT/5pm PT.)

After tonight’s meeting we’re all going to send letters to our U.S. Senators and to our House members asking them to oppose Joe Manchin’s “side deal” to the Inflation Reduction Act, then we follow up with phone calls and ask for a meeting.

The Democratic Party understandably wants unity heading into the midterms. That unity will be lost if Manchin’s side deal gets passed and signed into law. In contrast, none of the Party’s key constituencies will be upset if it is defeated, and many will rejoice.

Join the effort to defeat Manchin’s Dirty Deal tonight at 8pm ET / 5pm PT. RSVP here.


1 Comment


    it is a scorched earth deal the petrol companies lied in the Times news paper that they had no global warming effects. They will always have us eating their crap and using their insidious products and castoffs of petroleum products that are oxymoronic
