Impeachment: We Have No Choice. Will You Be Part Of History?
In solidarity, Mike Fox for Alan, Mike H., Dan, Janis, Deb, Dr. Bill, Donna, Kimberly, and Bryan—your PDA national team.
“We Have No Choice”.
Trump Worse Than Nixon. Join Us In The Streets!
After a history-making hearing on Wednesday — featuring testimony stating this is the worst behavior seen from a president in history, and if Trump’s actions aren’t impeachable, then no presidential actions are — the path forward is clear.
Speaker Pelosi said Thursday morning that Trump leaves us “no choice” but to impeach.
Nancy Pelosi has done her job. Now it’s time for us to do ours.
We must stand up and make sure that Donald Trump faces justice.
Here’s how we’re going to make it happen.
Step 2: Pile on calls to every congressional office, especially the purple district Republicans to show your support for impeachment and removal of Donald Trump. If you’re up for making calls to congress and/or to fellow PDA members, let me know and I’ll get you a tight script that will persuade.
Step 3: Amplify your voice and publicly promote impeachment everywhere you go via PDA Impeach bumper stickers and buttons. Get you gear now. For bulk orders, contact Debra our Resources Manager.
Stickers and signage also available to those taking on host committee responsibilities for one of the events. If you’re helping to organize an event, let us know.
Step 4: Sign and share this petition.
So please, most importantly, host or participate in one of the No One Is Above The Law rapid response events, and make sure you get your Impeachment Gear here.
Remember, it’s not about politics and it’s not about party. It’s about principle!
Thank you so much for anything you can do to bring this wannabe King to justice.
PS: Sign this petition and share with your friends! Closes 12/06.
This horrible man needs to be removed immediately, and anyone who defends him is a racist. They may not have actually lynched anyone, but they sold the rope then looked away.
Submit a Comment Correction – “sold” the rope