
Impeach Trump? Single Payer? End Wars?

Sep 25, 2017

By    Mike Hersh, for Donna, Mike F, Judy, Dan, Janis, Deb, Amos, Dr. Bill, Bryan, and Kim, your PDA National Team

We will make progress with a Progressive Congress!
Become a Win 2018 Sustainer by giving every month


We get emails from people who wonder why Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) hasn’t already impeached Trump, achieved single payer healthcare, ended wars and occupations, reversed climate change, etc. The answer is simple: while we’ve made significant progress, we’ve never achieved what we need to because there are just too many conservatives in Congress. To make progress, we need a Progressive Congress. To do that, we need resources. We need your help.

Your sustainer donation of any size will help us recruit and elect Progressive candidates. That’s something we’ve excelled at. While many organizations eventually endorsed Bernie Sanders for president, PDA was the very first. In fact, our Run Bernie Run campaign was instrumental in making the campaign happen in the first place. Without PDA, it’s very likely that Bernie would never have run for president. With your support, we can enable more progress by electing more progressives to Congress next year.

We Need A Progressive Congress to Make Progress

We Need Your Help Now To Elect More Progressives


Please step up now to become a “sustainer.” We need 100 new sustainers every month to build the organization we need. You’ll barely notice $20.18 (or other amount) per month, but that regular “sustainer” contribution will make a huge difference! Not ready to sign up as a sustainer? Pitch in $500, $50, or whatever you can right now to help us elect a progressive Congressional majority.

PDA makes every dollar count. We don’t have a huge budget or expense accounts. We work tirelessly and cost-efficiently to make real progress. We help elect up and coming leaders to Congress, and then we work with them on legislation you support. We don’t just express our positions on the issues. PDA takes your views into the halls of Congress and to members of Congress in their home offices. We bring new cosponsors onto the most progressive legislation, and we work to block bad policies proposed by Republicans and corporate Democrats alike. We can only keep doing all this if you help sustain us. Please click here to make automatic monthly contributions

If you want to push American politics into a progressive direction, please understand that we’re struggling against billionaires and super PACs with virtually unlimited money. We’ll never match their expenditures, but luckily we don’t have to. Still, we need your support now. You will not find a more progressive Democratic group than PDA. PDA makes the most difference—dollar for dollar—of any organization. Your donation couldn’t be better used to make progress than with PDA. Please sign up to make an automatic monthly “sustainer” contribution now.

In solidarity,

Mike Hersh, for Donna, Mike F, Judy, Dan, Janis, Deb, Amos, Dr. Bill, Bryan, and Kim, your PDA National Team

P.S. We don’t ask for dues. We rely on small donations from people like you. If you’ve donated before, now is the time to sign up to make automatic monthly contributions. If you’re already a sustainer, we appreciate your help! If you can, please consider increasing your donation. Contact Mike Fox to arrange that. No spare change to help us make change? Then contact Mike Fox to join the phone team.

