If the Democratic Party Truly Supports Science, It Must End Fossil Fuel Subsidies
Alan Minsky for the PDA National Team
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We at PDA are proud Democrats. As such, we understand there’s a world of difference between the GOP and our Party when it comes to something as essential to life in the 21st century as trusting the international scientific community. When it comes to COVID-19 vaccinations, we’re seeing this difference between the two parties playing out with tragic consequences. We also recognize the massive divide between the two parties when it comes to recognizing the causes and consequences of the climate emergency.
However, we are not blinded by our partisan allegiance. Climate science has made clear that global warming is caused by CO2 emissions from the burning of fossil fuels. Therefore, a Party that truly acknowledges that the scientific consensus is, indeed, correct, simply cannot allow for the continuation of government subsidies for the production of fossil fuels—and, yet, that is what the Democratic majority in Congress is currently allowing because of a few Democratic members in the House and Senate.
Our feeling at PDA is that the Democratic Party can’t have it both ways. Either it is a Party that supports science, or its words to that effect are hollow.
We believe the Democratic Party must be the Party of science. Please support PDA in our efforts to transform the Party into what it needs to be in the 21st century—become a PDA sustainer.
PDA is supporting a week of climate action, starting this Monday. Learn more here: People vs Fossil Fuels.
Also, please share the following petition with your local elected official. It calls on President Biden and Congressional leaders to declare a Climate Emergency.
We at PDA are committed to combating global warming in order to preserve a planetary ecosystem that is hospitable to humanity and all living species. We fight this fight every waking hour of every day of the year. It requires resources and sustainable funding. Please help us continue our efforts on behalf of the planet and all living things on Earth.