How to Help End the Pandemic Now: An Emergency Briefing Tonight at 8pm ET
In solidarity,
Alan Minsky for the PDA National Team
PDA Calls upon All Members of the US House of Representatives to Cosponsor the End the Pandemic Now Resolution (H Con Res 60)
To stop the rise of COVID-19 variants like Omicron and Delta, and finally put an end to the pandemic, we can no longer allow pharmaceutical monopolies to artificially restrict the availability of vaccines and treatments around the world.
That’s why our partners at Public Citizen Global Trade Watch are hosting a conversation tonight with Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), the lead sponsor of H.Con.Res. 60 on how we can help promote the End the Pandemic Now plan. Watch this Emergency Briefing live on PDA’s Facebook page starting tonight at 8pm ET / 5pm PT.
Another great way to support the End the Pandemic Now plan is to email your member of Congress this month’s PDA congressional liaison letter, and ask your member of the House to cosponsor H.Con.Res. 60. You can find the House version of PDA’s liaison letter for December 2021 here.
If you have an hour to spare, join our national phone team. If you have some spare change, donate to help PDA continue our efforts. Change makes change!
See you there!