Home Stretch Push To Beat Trump. Are You In?
In solidarity,
Mike Fox for your PDA National Team
We Keep Moving Forward.
Join Our Push To Victory On Tuesday
While Trump is trying to do everything humanly and inhumanly possible to hold on to power, we’ve had our most robust phoning and texting campaign in our history running full steam ahead all week.
We want to thank the record number of PDA volunteers who have been giving their all in time and treasure to save our Republic, and ask that you join this team of progressive patriots in the final push victory not only to defeat Trump, but to help make congress more progressive in the process.
2) Donate what you can so we have all the resources to win.
3) Join our PDA Beat Trump Team Call Sunday, Nov. 1, at 9pm ET/6pm PT.
4) After you’ve made sure your ballot is in and all of your friends have voted, join a peaceful rally near you on Wednesday, Nov. 4th to protect the vote and make sure all votes are counted.
This is the most important election since the Civil War. Let’s bring this home, together.
And let’s remember/be sure to to mask up and social distance wherever we go! The pandemic is unfortunately still raging – in our country and globally! UK and countries in Europe are once more locking down. Be safe, stay healthy and win these elections!