Here’s How You Can Make A Big Difference
In solidarity, Debra Schrishuhn for Alan, Mike F, Janis, Mike H, Donna, Dan, Dr Bill, Kimberly, and Bryan—your PDA National Team
Support PDA’s Win 2020 Action Fund
Click to Make Monthly Gifts for Victories
2019 may be drawing to a close, but Progressive Democrats of America carries on our struggle for Medicare For All, a Green New Deal, comprehensive and humane immigration policy, ending U.S. involvement in senseless wars, dismantling systemic racism and discrimination, stopping gun violence, canceling student debt, and getting big money out of politics.
Our efforts continue, election cycle after election cycle, year after year, 24 hours/day. We strive to educate members of Congress, increase voter participation, and support progressive candidates and office holders. We hold elected officials accountable for their votes on policies that affect all of us, including and especially the most vulnerable Americans.
Finally, we seek and encourage cooperation among our many allies in the progressive community, knowing that we are stronger and our voices carry further when we work together, inside and outside the Democratic Party structure.
Now, PDA has always operated on a shoestring budget, but even we need a stable base of financial support. Can you help us today by becoming a sustaining donor at $27, $10 or $5 per month?
We want to thank our longstanding sustainers, whose monthly gifts from across the U.S. and around the world help maintain our efforts.
New sustainers–especially those living in traditionally conservative states like Alabama and Arkansas and Louisiana, from areas in transition from red to purple (heading toward blue!) like Georgia and Texas and Arizona, and from places in America hoping for statehood like Puerto Rico and DC—stiffen our resolve and give us hope for a brighter future.
Please start a monthly gift today to help PDA keep working for all of us together!