
Help Us Flip The Senate With Great Progressive Candidates!

Apr 2, 2020

Mike Hersh for Alan, Mike F., Dan, Deb, Janis, Kimberly, Bryan, Dr. Bill, and Donna—Your PDA National Team

Help Re-Elect Senator Ed Markey


Help Elect Progressive Betsy Sweet


Help Elect Progressive Andrew Romanoff


Click Here to Join the PDA Phone Team


Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) is working to flip the Senate by supporting strong progressive challengers, and by keeping great incumbents in office. Please help out by giving generously now and—if possible—give automatically every month to maximize your impact.

Corporate Democrats oppose policies we need like the Green New Deal, Medicare For All, Climate Emergency Action, Clean Elections, Dignity for Immigrants, Ending Corporate Rule, Peace, and so on. We need your time and money to ensure progressives win in primaries and the general election.

We endorsed Ed Markey the first time he ran for the U.S. Senate six years ago, and we’re endorsing him for re-election now.


Help PDA Re-Elect Progressive Champion Ed Markey

Volunteer To Help PDA Build
A Massive Progressive Wave!


Senator Markey has stood with PDA on all of our legislative priorities. Here are some quotes from his conference call with us six years ago that he’s upheld and amplified ever since:

“I remain fully committed to protecting our bedrock safety-net programs—Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security—which provide critical health care and income security to millions of our most vulnerable citizens.”

“Health care is a right, not a privilege. I have long supported the establishment of a single-payer system so that everyone, regardless of income, could have access to high-quality and affordable health care services.”

“I am a cosponsor of H.J. Res. 20, a resolution introduced by Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) to amend the Constitution to allow Congress and the states to have the power to regulate the raising and spending of money in federal and state campaigns respectively.”

Ed has spent his career on the front lines of the fight to create clean energy jobs and combat climate change, you can review his long record on environmental issues, from climate change to natural resource conservation to green jobs. Please make an online contribution to re-elect Ed Markey

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his cohorts—notably including Sen. Susan Collins of Maine—block desperately-needed legislation.

McConnell, Collins, and the rest of the Trumpublicans refuse to even consider 100s of bills the House of Representatives already passed—from protecting our elections from domestic and foreign interference (H.R.1) and gun safety, to environmental protection, justice for immigrants, and investments in our people. Betsy Sweet is ready to defeat Collins and help flip the Senate.


Pitch In To Help PDA And Betsy Sweet!

Volunteer To Help Elect Betsy Sweet! Click Here!


Unlike many other organizations, we expend our time and resources during the primaries because we know Neoliberals come in Red and Blue. We support Betsy in the Maine Primary because she’s a proud, effective progressive.

Betsy Sweet said, “I am thrilled to be endorsed by such a respected organization in the realm of progressive politics. This grassroots campaign is about a movement, not just one individual, and I’m excited that PDA’s members overwhelmingly support our effort.”

Betsy Sweet is a true progressive leader and she will be a great progressive Senator. Betsy understands the importance of ‘inside/outside’ strategies, because she spent years working as a citizen reformer on women’s rights, public campaign finance, and voting reform issues for several years.

It is absolutely essential that the Democratic Party win control of the U.S. Senate away from Mitch McConnell in 2020. For that to happen, we must flip the Maine Senate seat next year. Republican Susan Collins is more-than-vulnerable, following her disgraceful support for Brett Kavanaugh. That’s why we endorsed Betsy Sweet in this key battleground.

Betsy exemplifies political courage, intelligence, and leadership. She has always stepped up to lead on efforts to end social and economic injustice. She has taken on tough struggles when others shied away, and she has worked tirelessly to protect the vulnerable from harm. She will make an exemplary U.S. Senator.

As long as Trumpublicans control the Senate, they will hold essential policies hostage to their hyper-partisanship.

To end this dangerous abuse of power and to serve the needs and aspirations of We the People, we must work to make the Senate more progressive. Volunteer To Help Elect Betsy Sweet! Click Here!No time to spare? Pitch In To Help PDA And Betsy Sweet!

Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) endorsed Andrew Romanoff for U.S. Senate from Colorado because he is the strongest candidate to win this election and help flip the Senate and remove Mitch McConnell from his undeserved position as majority leader.

Andrew Romanoff said, “I’m thrilled to win the support of Progressive Democrats of America and PDA Colorado. They know that the best way to defeat Cory Gardner and deliver the change we need is not to duck and cover but to stand and fight for a Green New Deal, health care for all, and an economy that works for everyone. That’s the heart of both our campaign and PDA’s agenda here in Colorado and across the country.”

At PDA, we believe in democracy, and that means accepting the will of the voters—not the elite insiders. We need Andrew in the Senate, as opposed to the GOP Lite fracking champion favored by the corporatists.

Give to help PDA Elect Progressive Champion Andrew Romanoff and / or Join the PDA Phone Team

Donate to Help Elect Andrew Romanoff
The Progressive Champion We Need


Andrew Romanoff is a consummate advocate for environmental policies and a Green New Deal supporter. Also, his stances on Medicare For All, social, economic, and racial justice—as well as peace, and getting big money out of politics—make him a well-rounded progressive champion. He will serve the people of Colorado brilliantly.

We need Andrew’s dedication to tackle the climate crisis we are facing, to fight for Medicare for All and to support equal rights for all Americans and immigrants. We know he will do whatever it takes to restore our democracy. Andrew Romanoff is a true progressive and social justice champion who is committed to doing what is right for the people of Colorado and for our country.

Please pitch in now to help Andrew win the primary. Click here to volunteer to help Andrew win. He is poised to be the next progressive success story if we pitch in to help!

Thank you for your active support in building the PDA community and helping us elect a progressive majority in Congress. Nobody can take your place!


P.S. We don’t ask for dues. We rely on small donations from people like you. If you’ve donated before, now is the time to sign up to make automatic monthly “sustainer” contributions to support our Win 2020 election organizing.

If you’re already a sustainer, we appreciate your help! If you can, please consider increasing your donation by giving another amount per month.

No spare change to help make change? Then join the PDA Phone Team making easy, effective calls from your own home with Mike “Phone Guy” Fox.



Join PDA Organizing for Victories in 2020
Make Automatic Monthly Donations

