
Help us bring home the win for David Segal for Congress on Tuesday!

Sep 8, 2022 | PDA News

In solidarity,
Mike Fox for the PDA National Team


Vote, Volunteer and/or Donate to Bring Home a Victory for David


David Segal is a very accomplished progressive organizer and has been previously elected to City Council and the Rhode Island State House.

Now he’s running for Congress in RI-02 and we’re in the home stretch to bring home a victory in the primary on Tuesday, September 13.

It will be a victory for us all—regardless of where we live—if we can bring this win home.

  1. If you live in district, please make sure you vote on or before Tuesday. Let us know if you’ve already voted, and if you have any questions about when and where to vote, we can help.
  2. If you’re within reasonable travel distance of district, please walk a neighborhood with David. If you’re too far away to make that happen, then make easy calls from the comfort of your home.

Contribute all you can to make sure David has the resources to win!

Let’s make this happen!

Thanks so much for anything you can do.

