Help Re-Elect Progressive Champions Reps. Tlaib and Omar!
For Peace, Mike Hersh for Alan, Mike F., Dr. Bill, Janis, Deb, Dan, Kim, Bryan, and Donna—your PDA National Team
Give To Re-Elect Rep. Rashida Tlaib
Give To Re-Elect Rep. Ilhan Omar
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To Help Elect Strong Progressives
In 2004, we launched Progressive Democrats of America to organize for critically important issues including ending wars and occupations. In 2018, PDA endorsed both Rashida Tlaib (MI-13) and Ilhan Omar (MN-5), two empowered progressive Congressional candidates.
Of course, both won their races and are now shaking up Congress with their unapologetic and powerful progressive voices—including their advocacy for peace and human rights.
Their courageous, outspoken leadership has made them targets. Right-wing special interests and corporate media have falsely accused these strong women of bigotry and worse, trying to silence and defeat them. We must step up and have their backs!
Give To Re-Elect Rep. Ilhan Omar
Give To Re-Elect Rep. Rashida Tlaib
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to help elect and re-elect the best progressives
Help PDA Re-Elect Rep. Ilhan Omar and Rep. Rashida Tlaib
Several months ago, near the end of the Michael Cohen hearings, Congresswoman Tlaib didn’t hesitate to call out what she felt were racist tactics by a senior Republican. An imbroglio ensued. Apologies were extended, but no one missed Rep. Tlaib’s point: as long as Rashida’s in the House, Republicans beware, your dog-whistle racism will be exposed.
A couple of weeks earlier, Congresswoman Omar didn’t pull any punches when she grilled war criminal Elliot Abrams, who has been resurrected from the historical graveyard to be Trump’s U.S. Special Representative for Venezuela.
It was an exemplary moment for all of us who understand the horrible crimes that have been committed in our name, but which almost never get acknowledged by any elected official.
Rep. Omar’s line of questioning showed that a new day may truly be dawning, one that progressives have long been waiting for, when high-ranking officials will be held accountable for illegal U.S. policies and actions.
Representatives Tlaib and Omar are also outspoken advocates for the rights of the Palestinian people. As such, they are critical of some Israeli state policies.
Let us be clear: We at PDA oppose anti-semitism in all of its forms. 100%. No exceptions. If any congressperson were to engage in anti-semitic activities, or express anti-semitic sentiments, we would lead the chorus of condemnation.
Let us be equally clear: We support Rep. Tlaib’s and Rep. Omar’s right to criticize Israeli state policy whenever merited. We as U.S. taxpayers help underwrite Israel’s budget, and that makes us materially responsible for any and all of that nation’s human rights abuses.
Millions-upon-millions of people across the world, including here in the United States, feel that the Palestinian people are suffering unjustly. During the global COVID-19 Pandemic, the people living in Gaza desperately need health equipment and other relief. Israel and Egypt must lift their blockades immediately. Justice, mercy, and decency demand nothing less.
PDA strongly supports the re-election of these two courageous Representatives who speak truth to power and exemplify democracy in action. We feel the time is long overdue for an honest consideration about realities in Israel/Palestine, especially in light of Trump’s and Netanyahu’s unilateral and oppressive policies.
We applaud Representatives Tlaib and Omar for making peace, justice, and human rights the focal points of their leadership in the U.S. Congress. Please pitch in now to support our organizing for peace.
P.S. We’re here to help you make progress in your state and locality! If you need help organizing a new PDA chapter or energizing your existing chapter, please contact PDA Field Coordinator Dan O’Neal.
Join the PDA Phone Team making easy, effective calls from your own home with Mike “Phone Guy” Fox. Also please pitch in whatever you can afford to support our organizing for peace.