Help Re-Elect Progressive Champion Senator Ed Markey!
Help PDA Re-Elect Progressive Champion Ed Markey
Onward! Mike Hersh for Alan, Mike F., Dan, Deb, Janis, Kimberly, Bryan, Dr. Bill, and Donna—Your PDA National Team
Progressive Democrats of America is thrilled to announce
our endorsement of Senator Ed Markey for Massachusetts
Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) endorsed Ed Markey the first time he ran for the U.S. Senate six years ago, and we’re endorsing him for re-election now. Back then, we sent out this information and these quotes from Ed to our PDA Base, and they still hold up strongly today.
Help PDA Re-Elect Senator Ed Markey
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Senator Markey has stood with PDA on all our legislative priorities. Here are some quotes from his conference call with us six years ago that he’s upheld and amplified ever since:
“I remain fully committed to protecting our bedrock safety-net programs—Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security—which provide critical health care and income security to millions of our most vulnerable citizens.”
“Health care is a right, not a privilege. I have long supported the establishment of a single-payer system so that everyone, regardless of income, could have access to high-quality and affordable health care services.”
“I am a cosponsor of H.J. Res. 20, a resolution introduced by Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) to amend the Constitution to allow Congress and the states to have the power to regulate the raising and spending of money in federal and state campaigns respectively.”
“I am also a cosponsor of H.R. Res. 21, a resolution introduced by Rep. Jim McGovern which would amend the Constitution to clarify that the rights protected by the Constitution are intended to protect the rights of natural persons, and do not include corporations, limited liability companies, or other corporate entities, and that Congress and the states may enact reasonable regulations of such corporate entities.”
Ed Markey has spent his career on the front lines of the fight to create clean energy jobs and combat climate change, you can review his long record on environmental issues, from climate change to natural resource conservation to green jobs.
Please join our efforts to re-elect Ed to the United States Senate. We are asking you to take three important steps:
1. Please make an online contribution to help re-elect Ed Markey
2. Sign up to help PDA elect progressives. Email Mike “Phone Guy” Fox and he’ll add you to the team.
It’s not often we get a candidate as strong and committed to PDA’s core issues as Ed Markey.
Thank you for your active support in building the PDA community and helping us elect a progressive majority in Congress. Nobody can take your place!
P.S. We don’t ask for dues. We rely on small donations from people like you. If you’ve donated before, now is the time to sign up to make automatic monthly “sustainer” contributions to support our Win 2020 election organizing.
If you’re already a sustainer, we appreciate your help! If you can, please consider increasing your donation by giving another amount per month.
No spare change to help make change? Then join the PDA Phone Team making easy, effective calls from your own home with Mike “Phone Guy” Fox.